Sunday, December 21, 2008

So much going on!!

This has been such a busy week! First Adella was born on Sunday (12-14), then the typical crazy work week. On Tuesday night, Alex had a boy scout meeting, and Santa was there. He had a real beard and real hair, so Alex knew he was the REAL Santa! On Thursday night, the boys had their Christmas program. The program went well, but I tell ya, I can't say I enjoy sitting in a cramped pew in Church, with TONS of people for over an hour. Especially when each of the boys gets up with their grade and sings one song. Oh, well...better get used to it, right?

On Saturday, we celebrated Lilly's 4th birthday at home, since we were pretty much stranded with all of the snow that fell. She enjoyed it, but it was very low-key since no one could come over that day. I felt kind of bad, because the day just didn't seem so great. But, she was happy with her cake and presents, it would have been more fun having some people over, though. Then, on Saturday night, we baked Christmas cookies. It actually went pretty well. I had sworn off baking with the kids a few years ago, because it was such a nightmare. But, it did go pretty well!

On Sunday, Lilly's real birthday, we went to Dad's house and celebrated Christmas there. Santa came to see us there, and noticed that Santa's hair was a little shorter, and his beard was a little longer. Hmmmm... He seemed satisfied with the idea that Santa got a haircut, and that, because he is magical, his beard can grow very quickly. We had a fun day at Dad's, got lots of gifts, and had a birthday celebration for Alex and Lilly. It was very nice, and a big THANK YOU to Dad, and especially to Linda, for all of the work that went into this day. It is so appreciated, and never goes unnoticed!

I don't think things will die down until later next week. With Christmas this week, and next weekend, we are celebrating with the Holens for the whole weekend, we will be plenty busy! Next week, I took Tuesday (12-30) off because it is Alex's birthday. I also took Wednesday off to spend with the kids. I may have to work for a bit on Thursday, but it will be a nice break! I work a very short day on Mondays (2.5 hours), so I almost will have a whole week off with the exception of the few hours on Monday and Thursday that I will work.

I will post a few random pictures of all of the happenings during the past week...

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On the mend

We are finally feeling better around here. Wow...what a flu-bug! I was feeling under the weather for 7 days...that is a long time for a mom to be out of commission. Thankfully, Lilly was the only other one in the house that had the prolonged symptoms that I did, everyone else mad it through OK. I generally felt OK enough to go to work last week, but I was kind of lazy, and now, I am WAY far behind on my paperwork. Thankfully, the week of Christmas is not too busy, and I am working all week (with the exception of the afternoon of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day). So, I will hopefully get caught up.

Jess had her baby on Sunday, little Adella Grace Fresse was born at 3:43 pm. She is just a teeny little peanut of a thing, although she weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz, so she was a good-sized baby. But, boy, you sure do forget how teeny those little babes are! I really wanted to go down right away on Sunday, but the weather would not allow it, so I went down Monday afternoon. The roads were terrible in St. Cloud, but once I passed through Clearwater, things started to improve. It was so great to hold a teeny baby again! AND, it is so great to have someone else go through all of the misery, the late nights, the fussiness, the 3 am feedings, the poopy diapers, while I get the luxury of spoiling her, then giving her back to her parents. I have always been the one having the babies, so this is a nice change! Adella was very sweet, she was alert when I got there, and was so content when I was holding her. It was great! I can't wait to see her again on Sunday when we celebrate Christmas with my family.

Christmas...Christmas!!! I can't believe it is almost here! I haven't sent out my cards yet, wrapped any presents, or done any baking. Yikes! We also have Lilly's 4th birthday on Sunday, although we will be at my Dad's house celebrating Christmas, so we are pretending Lilly's birthday is on Saturday. She doesn't know the difference, plus this way, she can open her gifts from us at home and not have to share the spotlight on Sunday. We will have a birthday party for her at Dad's house, too, but the party will also be for Alex, since his birthday is on the 30th.

Not too much else going on around here...just trying to stay warm in the midst of this cold snap. I'm also coming to terms with the fact that winter is truly here, and isn't leaving for at least the next 4 months...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gotta love the flu

We have been very sick over the past few days in our house. We, meaning me, and then it trickles down to everyone else. I have been mildly to moderately ill since Friday (I have not yet hit the wall, but just feel yucky, tired, etc). Lilly had the stomach flu complete with vomiting Saturday evening and through the night. So, I decided that since we were the two sick ones, that we should sleep together and contain our illness to my room. Well, I hardly got any sleep because every time she moved, I was afraid she would throw up in my bed. So I would jump up and grab the bucket. 90% of the time, she was just rolling over in her sleep. But there was one time that my quick efforts paid off, and I was able to get the bucket there in time.

Then, all day yesterday, I was cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. I shouldn't have been, because by late afternoon, I was wiped out. So, I go to bed last night, only to have Cameron come and visit me last night telling me his head and tummy hurt. Yep, crawl in. For the 2nd night running, I have had kids in bed with me, which equates to me not getting much sleep. I decide to err on the side of caution and keep Cameron home from school today. I kept having visions of the time I threw up in the hallway at school when I was in 4th grade in front of all of the grades on our floor. I didn't want him to get sick in school, so he stayed home. So far, this morning, he has eaten 2 bowls of Cheerios, played Wii, and is sitting by me singing me a beautiful song. I think he would have done OK at school. Oh, well, nevertheless, I still feel yucky, and I think it is best for me to lay low for one more day. I hope we can nip this flu in the bud, I am almost out of sick time at work!

We put up our tree this weekend, and Ed and I are planning to get some Christmas shopping done tonight, depending on the sickness situation and the weather. Hopefully we can get most of it done. That will really help get all of us into the Christmas spirit.

I am patiently (or impatiently) awaiting for Jess to go into labor. She is due on Friday, and is getting very close to going in. She has been having contractions on and off for a few days now, and so I'm thinking it will be any day. I can't wait to see my new little niece. This is my first niece on my side of the family! I can't wait to have a new baby around, it is so nice to let someone else have a baby, but I will (hopefully) get to spend lots of time with her, spoil her, then send her home :-).

I'm off, I have tons of work to do today. It is great that I can work from home if I need to. Well, sort of great, anyway.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tonight we began "Decking Our Halls" in order to avoid the total chaos on Saturday that goes along with putting up the tree AND decorating the house at the same time. I am hoping that, perhaps, if we can get the decorating done first, get the house ready for the tree, maybe, just maybe, putting up the tree on Saturday won't be such a nightmare! I have a few ceramic pieces that my mom painted, and we have had them for as long as I can remember. I have a ceramic village, and a big Santa and Mrs. Claus. It was really special to put up the village with Alex, since he really appreciated the fact that his Grandma painted it. It is so nice when I can pass on a little tidbit from her to my kids in a way that is special, but doesn't make them cry. Alex, especially, can be very tender-hearted, and at times, when we talk about my mom, he will get sad (no, he never met her...he is just really sensitive). So, it was special and festive, and just the perfect evening to get me in the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately (for me...), our house is really small, so decking the halls really only took about an hour or so. Oh, well, it is less I will have to do after Christmas!

I am feeling such a need to get back to basics and to enjoy the simple joy of the holiday season instead of getting wrapped up in the shopping, gifts, cards, etc. In fact, I haven't even thought about sending out my Christmas cards yet. Maybe I'll get around to it, but maybe not. I just want to sit in my house, drink hot chocolate, and listen to Christmas music. Maybe this is my attitude since I haven't even started Christmas shopping. Maybe once I shop, the frenzied, frantic feeling will begin to set in...oh the joy!

This time of the year is duly joyful, yet stressful for us with celebrating the birthdays of 2 of our 3 children. I'm not sure what we were thinking, although I will say that with both Alex and Lilly, we tried for several months to concieve, and were unsuccessful until the cycle that put them due at the end of December (Alex is on the 30th, Lilly on the 21st). It is very special to contemplate and recall their birth around the time of Christmas, when the whole world is contemplating the birth of Christ...very timely. BUT, it is double the presents, double the work, and trying to squeeze in a birthday party into a very busy time is pretty stressful. I so look forward to January!

Things around here, are, as always, much the same. I am enjoying the laziness of winter, the nights where you get home from work, make supper, and cozy up on the couch. But, I miss the warmth. Better get used to it, though! The kids are good...all three have colds, which is no fun for them, but they refuse to take medicine to unclog their noses (the medicine I use tastes pretty nasty, but it is the best-working decongestant I have ever used). So, I just leave it up to them, their choice to be miserable or take the nasty medicine.

The boys are doing so well in school. Alex is surpassing many of my expectations, and is bringing home the highest grades he has ever brought home. I am so proud of him, he really is trying, and really is starting to care about his performance. Cameron is a 2nd grade rock star...he is such a sharp kid, and I am so proud of all of his hard work, too. He is the kind of kid that we actually find ourselves telling him to stop doing his homework, or stop reading. But he is very driven, and wants to get his work done immediately (Even in the middle of making supper and while I am on the phone--hence the telling him to stop doing his homework).

Lilly is FINALLY beginning to show an interest in learning her letters and numbers. I haven't pushed it too much (who has time??), but whenever I've tried, she becomes bored quickly. My daycare mom says that Lilly always asks during teaching time "can we paint?" "can we color now?" Just no interest. But in the past few weeks, her interest is emerging. Hopefully when she goes to preschool in the fall, she will be good to go with her letter recognition.

What a boring post. Sorry about the snooze-fest. Speaking of which...I am headed off to bed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today I went to see my grandma, who is 88 years old. I brought the kids with me, which can be interesting, although today it went very well. I love going to see her. Visiting with her is not like visiting with your grandma, it is like visiting with a friend. We talked all afternoon, about what she has been doing (basically nothing because she has been afflicted with an extremely itchy body rash since June...she is totally miserable and no Dr. can figure out why). We talked about my life, which is so busy that I don't often get to go see her. It is so nice to get her perspective on things in general. She raised 9 kids, lived on a farm, and I can imagine had many struggles. But, she loved her kids, thought they were all so precious. She reminds me to enjoy the years that my kids are small, not to get caught up in the stress and chaos, and to love them.

Things at work have been very stressful, it seems as though things just turn on a dime, which affects my happiness at work. I love my work....I hate my work. I talked to her about it, and she is probably the first person who really has ever just listened (other than Ed--he is a good listener). She didn't advise, she didn't offer suggestions, she just listened and sympathized with me. And sometimes, that is really all I need.

I realize each time I see her, that we are getting closer and closer to the end, she looks a little older each time I see her, and she moves a little more slowly. She is not in immediate poor health, but I know the years are shrinking. I want to make sure we get the most of our friendship, the most of our time together before we can't do that anymore. She is simply the best grandma in the world, and I am so thankful to have her in my life.

Well, that was deep, but I want to remember this day, this visit with her for a long time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well, I guess the Halloween pictures didn't upload. I'll try again. Things have been pretty busy around here, although that is proving to be the rule rather than the exception. Last weekend, I was at a workshop Friday and Saturday, which was a great learning experience, but very draining. Fortunately, I had Monday and Tuesday off of work because we didn't have any daycare. It was a restful two days, and it was very hard to get back to work! Of course, there is no "easing into it" at my job, it was hit-the-floor-running all day Wed., Thurs., and Fri. I love my job, but I do not like being that makes me feel crazy, exhausted, and I don't give my best to my patients. So, hopefully, next week will be better...I have all of my open time for the week blocked off so it won't get taken (I hope that works!!).

Alex had a Boy Scout meeting on Tuesday night, and he was so excited about that. I, of course, being the graceful person I am, totally embarassed myself by taking a tumble down the den leader's stairs. Why does that stuff always happen to me??? I can't relay the story to anyone without getting the giggles because I am such a klutz! Boy Scouts was fun for Alex, but he was surprised to learn that he actually has to do some work for his badges...what a shocker for that poor boy, who isn't quite a go-getter.

Cameron had his first karate lesson today. I have 2 months of lessons for him at a school in St. Cloud. The first lesson was a private lesson with an instructor, and I thought that would be just perfect for him to get started. Well, the lesson lasted 15 minutes!!!! I can't believe I drove 25 minutes each way for a stupid lesson that lasted 15 minutes! I am glad I only paid $10 for those 2 months because I wasn't very impressed with the school. I told Cam that after these two months, if he wants to continue, we can do it through Community Ed here in CS.

Lilly hasn't been doing much of anything, outside of her regular routine. She loves spending time at daycare, and actually was a bit disappointed on Tuesday that she was staying home with me. It was hard not to feel disappointed, but I realize that she has all of her friends there, and I suppose it isn't so fun to be the only kid home all day when the boys are in school.

I have been baking homemade bread every weekend probably for the past two or three months. I enjoy the process of bread-making, and it is rewarding to see that I can actually make bread that turns out. Well, I have been on the hunt for a good bread recipe, since Ed thinks the bread I have made is OK, but not great. I think I found a recipe that he likes, finally, so I am pretty excited about that.
I also got a Wii Fit this week, Ed surprised me with it! It was a verbal "Gift" for my birthday, which was in June, but everytime we would look for one, we couldn't find it. Well, he finally found one. I am sure sore from working muscles of my body that haven't worked in, oh, probably forever! I hope that my affinity for the TV and Video games will work to my advantage on this one, and I can actually get in shape!
Not too much else is going on around here, we are gearing up for the Holiday season, which includes Alex and Lilly's birthdays on the 21st and 30th of December. Looks like we will be broke at the end of 2008!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

A mini va-ca-tion

I am so happy because I am off of work until Wednesday. Our daycare is closed tomorrow and Tuesday, so I took those days off, and will (hopefully) enjoy a much-needed break. I was at a workshop yesterday, which was excellent!

Everything here is OK...the kids are fine, although Alex appeared to have a touch of a stomach bug earlier this weekend. Hope it doesn't spread throughout the house, especially on my days off.

I have been trying to squeeze in time to post some pics, so here are some Halloween pictures.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Another week on tap

Things are perking up around here, I think we all just needed a little down time this weekend. Although, it really wasn't down time. We decided to get a bigger entertainment center and rearrange all of our furniture. I am kind of a neat freak on Sundays, and I like the house to be spotless and ready for the week on Sunday night. Well, I had to let that go because it just wasn't in the cards. We eventually figured out a way to arrange the furniture, and by the time I could clean, it was time for my Sunday Night TV (the only night of the week I watch any TV these days). So, I guess I'll get it done some other day.

Halloween was great. I will post pictures tomorrow, I am not at my computer tonight to get my pics. Lilly was sooooo cute as Sleeping Beauty, and all of the pictures we took of her were just so "gorgeous", since she made sure to have her most beautiful, princess-ey smile on for the camera. It was such a nice night, and since there was no school the next day, we went into Cold Spring and hit quite a few houses in town. Our kids should have enough candy to last them until they are 16!! The boys were all business on Halloween. I forgot how intense these "holidays" are for kids that age. I wouldn't say they were cute, at least not in the same way Lilly was, but it was cute to see how serious they were, and how cool they thought they were in their costumes.

We are so ready for November...even though the holidays are approaching, this month isn't nearly as busy as far as "extra" activities are concerned. We have our typical busy work schedules, but only one or two other commitments, which is so needed! I am actually keeping my eyes peeled for the weekend of the 15th and 16th of November in an attempt to keep our calendar clean. If my memory serves me correctly, this would be the first entire weekend since mid-September that there isn't something going on. Oh, what a break that could be!! I also took the 10th and 11th off of work because our daycare is closed. I am soooo looking forward to that. I really miss my days off, now that I am working 5 days. It will be a good chance to catch up on my "good mommy" time with the kids.

I will say, though, my extra day of work has taken on a new dimension. I am moving into more marketing for our company, and have blocked the entire afternoon on Mondays to devote to marketing. The beauty of that is that I can do much of that work from home. So, I have been coming home at noon on Mondays, which has been great! I usually spend most of the afternoon on work, but I can fold a load of laundry, eat lunch with Lilly, and give her a nap at home. If I have other commitments those afternoons, I can work anytime, which is so great. As a therapist, our options for a flexible work schedule or a telecommute are slim, so this is a great fit for me.

Well, enough rambling...I can be a bit long-winded at times! I'd better get to bed and enjoy that extra hour of sleep before my body adjusts to the new schedule:-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Soooo blah....

This has been a difficult week around here, as both Ed and I are suffering from the BLAHS! We are tired, sick of working so hard, can't keep up, and so on, and so on. It must be the time of year, with the onset of winter, the end of summer. Usually, one of us gets the blahs, but the other one will help turn that around. It is no fun when both of us are miserable!

The kids are doing well. They are very excited for halloween, and Cameron has been crossing days off of his calendar and counting down the days for the past week or so. I will post pictures of the kids in their costumes. They look so cute.

Last night, Alex had a Boy Scout Halloween party, and wore his Captain Rex costume. Captain Rex is a clone trooper commander in the Star Wars: Clone Wars movie. And, Alex's nickname is Rex, so it was a perfect fit. He has been soooo proud of his costume, and thinks he is the stuff with that costume. They were judging costumes at the party, and Alex was sure that he would win because his costume was so great. Well, I knew he wouldn't win, since there were three or four other boys with the same costume. When they announced the winners, he was so dissapointed, and was almost crying. It was one of those moments when you want to just pick him up, hug him, feed him, and make him happy. I felt so bad for him, yet I know disappointment is a part of life and he needs to learn how to deal with it. Poor guy, though, I know exactly how that feels to be so excited for something, and to feel so sure you are going to win, only to be let down.

I think I am going to get some sleep and sleep off this funk. I usually get the blahs on Wednesdays when I have had a busy week. I'll be back to myself by Friday!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Catching Up

Please forgive my monster-sized blog entry. I wanted to import my old blog into this blog, so it is all in one place. That is for me, really, so that if I ever want to look back on my life, I can do it all in one place. I hope to post some pictures onto this page, but I probably won't get to it today. We are in the midst of a big baking day...the weather outside is perfect for keeping the oven on. Cameron is helping me, and he seems to really enjoy it!

Tomorrow (isn't it always tomorrow??) I will start my "lifestyle change" in order to drop these pounds that have crept up on me over the past few months. I have done literally NO exercise in about a month, and I have eaten whatever I please. Not so good for the midsection! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another week is just flying by, it has actually been a pretty low-key week, which is something that was desperately needed around here. Monday night, the "all-abilities" dance group that I coordinate danced in the Celebration of Abilities, a get-together of about 300 people in St. Cloud. It was a little hectic, we didn't have a very good stage or sound system, and the girls were pretty wound up (some of the girls are "disabled" with conditions that affect impulse control and activity level--things can get kind of crazy!!). But, seeing the families of the dancers there, with their cameras, proud, happy, excited, reminded me that all of it is so worth it. One family in particular, strikes me. They are a very typical suburban family, dad works and travels a lot for work. There are three kids, two boys and a girl. Their daughter is autistic, and has not really ever participated in any type of activity before. To see her family there, so excited for her, was so cool. And to think about all of the events our children participate in...the basball games, volleyball games, band concerts, plays. To realize that these activities will never fill up the calendar for this girl. To realize this was one of the few opportunities for her family to watch her perform. Well, it is one of those moments, for me, where I can't even believe I get paid to do this!! I am so fortunate to have my life's work be giving these kids the chance to shine.
Anyway, that is pretty deep...I'd better stop!
Life around here...much the same. We are doing pretty well with our TV rules around here, and have been having, overall, better days with the kids. Alex, in particular, seems very sensitive to not getting enough sleep, which plays itself out in difficulty controlling his emotions, poor performance in school, and impulsive behavior. Overall, he has been much more "even" over the past three weeks. However, this is not uncommon for him. He usually gets a little out of whack, then evens out for awhile. So, the jury is still out. The one in the house who is giving the most flack for the rule, ironically, isn't any of the's Ed. He is bored, doesn't know what to do. Well, I think this will be good for us all!
Cameron has been doing soooo well in school this year. It is hard to balance giving him the praise he deserves while not making Alex feel badly about not performing at that level. He is very determined, tries so hard to do his work well, and really spends the time needed to get it done right the first time. Perhaps this is unusual, though, because his teacher has commented on how "I wish every child was as diligent as he is...". So, I guess, we need to appreciate his gifts, and recognize that this is not the expectation we should have for any of our children.
Lilly is going to be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween this year, and has worn her dress every night this week. It is starting to fray already! She is oh-so-beautiful, and spends much of her time looking at herself in the TV screen or the glass on the entertainment center--yes, she is a mini-Alex .
Ed has been very busy at work, it is inventory time, and he will be working all day/evening Friday night and Saturday. Then, November is year-end, so he will be swamped until mid-January, when they have their audit. Then, tax season will be upon us, so he will be busy with that until mid-April. So, I guess I will be a single mom for awhile...
Anyway, I'd better head for bed. I have tomorrow morning off because Cameron's class is putting on the mass for the school. After mass is See Our School day, where the parents go to the classroom and do an activity with the class. Two weeks ago, I went with Alex, tomorrow is Cameron's turn. I love this stuff!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It has been awhile since I posted, but there really hasn't been much going on, other than the everyday grind. The MOTA conference happened on October 3-4, and went off without a hitch, thank God! I am so relieved that it is over, and we have one more meeting to wrap things up, then it will be DONE!! Whew...that will be a big load off of my plate.
The kids are doing well. Alex has his first Boy Scout outing tomorrow, he is really excited, I hope it goes well. Cameron will be starting karate shortly. I was going to enroll him in the community ed. karate, but at our MOTA conference there were two 1-month certificates to the St. Cloud School of Karate at the silent auction. The minimum bid was $5 each, so I bid on them and won!! Wooo-hoo! So, Cameron will have 2 months of karate and a free uniform in St. Cloud. The lessons are typically $50/month, so we won't likely continue there and will transition to the community ed. classes offered each season. Lilly is, well, Lilly. I was thinking about her today. She is by far, the easiest child we have had in terms of discipline. We rarely have to give her time-outs or reprimand her, which is nice. But, boy, that girl does not know how to react when we do! This morning, the boys were picking on her, she was whining, and it kept going on, and on, and on. So, finally, I yelled at all of them. I told Lilly to STOP WHINING! She completely fell apart, as if I had cut her heart right out of her body. I felt bad, but then realized that she never, ever, gets reprimanded because she is really pretty well-behaved. Which is good....and I don't like to yell...and I felt bad about yelling...but sometimes, I wish she didn't have to be so dramatic about it. Oh, well.
The weeks are absolutely flying by, and things are just so busy. Work is busy, home is busy, Ed is busy, the kids are busy, it's just busy, busy, busy, busy. I think this weekend is the first weekend in about a month where we haven't had anything going on. It will be nice to take a deep breath, spend some quality time with the kids, and recharge all of our batteries.
We have been trying to incorporate a no TV after 7pm rule, which is really hard. I have been feeling like the TV is on all the time, and I have wondered if it isn't having a negative effect on the kids. I was at a course that talked about sleep deprivation, and learned that TV watching before bed is a major contributer to sleep deprivation. So, in the interest of the well-being of our kids, we think it is worth a try. And I will say, the boys have had 2 very good weeks (since we started this). They have done their homework well, with little fighting or arguing, and Alex's performance seems to have improved as well. Now, granted, we do have good days, bad days, good weeks, and bad weeks. But it has been compelling enough for us to keep on with it. The only downside to it is, our kids are so hyper for about the first 30 minutes after the TV is off! There was one night I almost turned it back on, yearning for a little peace and quiet. But, I left it off, and we survived! We'll see if it is helpful or not in the long-run. It is really hard to enforce, because I don't want the kids to feel as though they are being punished, so on nights there is no school the next day, we let them watch. I never thought I'd be "that parent", but I guess if it helps, great. I am totally on board with it if it will help them feel better and do better in school.
Not too much else is new, it is getting late, so I'd better hit the sack.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I still have the big ol blah's, no energy, no motivation. I think it is because everything is really busy right now. My MOTA conference is in 4 short days (Thank You, Lord...), and there has been a lot of last-minute scrambling and details to make sure all runs smoothly. Once this is done, that will be a HUGE load off of my shoulders, then I can focus on my role as the Home and School lady at the Boys' is a group of parents who head up various fundraisers for the school. It is a good organization, and I like to be involved, but feel pretty stretched right now. My term is up in May, which will be a relief, too.
Thing here are good, though, the boys continue to do well in school, and Lilly is feeling better, she is not coughing at the moment, so we are not nebbing her, although I think Tracy is at daycare, which is probably why she isn't coughing :-).
Cameron said the sweetest thing to me the other day, and I need to post it so I don't forget it. He has been going through a bit of a phase of being afraid of death (yes, again...). He is the kid who thinks way too much about stuff, and went through a long obsession about death about 2 years ago. Now, he is thinking a lot about parents dying. Over the summer, he started asking me questions about my mom, and while I was truthful with him, I also tried to make sure he saw that I was really OK and that everything can be OK in that type of situation. Well, we were watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and there was a woman who was raising her sisters 10 children after her sister died. Cameron is, of course, pondering this. He then says to me, "Mom, if you died, I would feel like I was burning in hot lava. But when you are alive...I feel like I am eating ice cream." HOW CUTE IS THAT???!!!??? It was one of those perfect, heartmelting, cute, funny things that I tell myself, I need to remember forever.
These types of things, for this child to say, are especially memorable, since he is the kid who generally isn't overly affectionate, tries to always keep his cool, and prefers to tease and jab at you than gush about his undying love (unlike his big brother :-)...It was super-sweet, and such a great thing to hear as a mom. I'll keep plugging away at building his confidence about death and dying, although it is no small task for him, as he really thinks a lot about these things.
Tomorrow, we have Lilly's Preschool Screening. How can it be that my baby is big enough for that? I'm sure she will do just fine, she is a very well-rounded, well-adjusted (except for the drama queen part) little girl, who has NO interest in learning her numbers and letters.
Anyway, I am bummed that the Twins lost, and trying to motivate myself to get back on the treadmill. Next week, when this conference is over, I'll get to it. My only night home this week is Thursday, and I will be at conference until late Saturday pm, so I am giving it a break for now.
See ya!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ugh. That about sums it up. I have a severe case of the blahs...
I am hoping they are transient, and will disappear with a good night's sleep, something I have not been lucky enough to have in nearly a week, other than one night here or there. Not sure why I am not sleeping, although I think it had something to do (last night) with the fact that Ed is sleeping in Lilly's room. No, we are not fighting or participating in any type of drama. His back is still hurting, and it seems our bed aggravates it. So, last week, we flipped our mattress, even though it is a no-flip mattress. Well, Ed loved it, but I thought it was too hard. We flipped it back, and now, he is sleeping in the spare bed in Lilly's room. So, I didn't sleep well because it felt so weird to sleep by myself.
Today was LONG. I don't know how I do it, some days. I put in an 11-hour day at work, dealt with the meeting tonight for the MOTA Conference (only 2 1/2 weeks to go !!) byt jetting over there between patients this evening to deliver my report, racing home to pick up Alex and take him to a Boy Scout informational meeting. I told the boys they could choose an activity this year to be involved in...Cameron picked Karate (imagine that), and Alex picked Boy Scouts. I just don't know that it will be the right fit for him (and us). I got very nervous looking at the schedule, and the thought of him camping away from us made me very uncomfortable. I think it is first-time mom jitters...I have NEVER had any of my children away from me for any amount of time with people who are not family. YIKES!! So, any words of reassurance from more seasoned parents would be appreciated :-)
So, I didn't get home until 8, then get the kids of to bed, nurse this miserable headache, and bake a double-batch of banana bread. I love that I can make it, and I want it all the time. Plus, I am hosting book club on Friday, and am such a slacker when it comes to food prepartion...I would like to serve something that is homemade and tasty to go along with my traditional chips-n-salsa and carrots-n-dip that I slave over in the checkout of the grocery store.
Over the summer, I have become quite intrigued with Minnesota Public Radio, and find myself riveted during my drive to and from work. But, I think I need to lay off a bit...this talk about the economy and government bailout is stressing me out...I think I need something a little lighter during the drive to boost my spirits.
I have actually done farily well this week with my 5k training program after taking most of last week off when I wasn't feeling well. However, if I keep feeling as blah as I do now, I am afraid of falling off of the wagon with this, because it is the last thing I want to do.
I am starting to depress myself...I'd better munch on some fresh banana bread...this is soul food for me...I loved my mom's banana bread, and after she died, I tried making it. But it was never the same. Well, my grandma knew how much I loved it, and since the only things my mom could cook well were things that my grandma taught her, my grandma made the same bread. So, for a few years after she died, when I would see my grandma, she would present me with a little, foil-wrapped loaf that she made for me. When it got too hard for her to bake, she would pick up a loaf at the IGA in Albany to give to me, since it tasted almost the same. Well, now she doesn't drive anymore, so I am on my own. But, I figured out the recipe and it sure is comfort food!!!
Wow...what a depressing entry. I'd better get my tush in bed and sleep this off...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Completely disregard that post about what a great job I am doing avoiding stress in my life. If stress is a choice, then I CHOOSE stress!! Things have been incredibly busy and so on...I forget how hard it is to manage things when the boys are in school. Making sure they get their 10 minutes of reading in each night, checking homework, practicing spelling words...Not too bad until you throw in 48 hours of work a week, stresses of business ownership, a MOTA (MN OT association conference, which is in 2 short weeks and I have been part of the planning committee for over a year) meeting until 8:30 on Tuesday, a house to kep up with, a husband who messed up his back, a daughter who is sick and needs to be nebbed, AND a daycare who is on vacation this week. AAARRRRRGGGHHH! Calgon, take me away! Not to mention I am on the verge of a cold. Sometimes, I can fight it off, sometimes it knocks me on my butt, so I don't know which way this virus will go.
Well, it could be worse, I think, so I'd better quit complaining, or it will get worse! I guess a life full of busy-ness is just the way I like it, but it would be nice if something was going smoothly this week.
Anyway, the boys are doing well this year in school. Alex is doing great work this year, and is joining Boy Scouts later this month. He is learning to write cursive, and is doing so well with it! I have never seen him so conscientious of his handwriting before...Cameron is blowing us away with his smarts...The kid is spelling challenge words (the only one in his class, and they are hard words like "through, important, often"), getting them all right on the first try, flying through his rocket math, and reading like a pro. He is such a little smartie! Lilly has PRESCHOOL screening in 2 weeks, I can't believe that. My little pumpkin is getting so big!
Ed hurt his back somehow, and it really caught up with him this week. He has been laying low and dealing with it pretty well, but he may not be able to golf in his golf scramble this weekend, so he is pretty bummed.
I am baking banana bread right now. My mom made the best banana bread, and I have never been able to make it just like hers. I gave up trying about 9 years ago. But, tonight I thought I'd give it a try. It is baking right now, so wish me luck...

Monday, September 08, 2008

School is back!! The boys have finished their first week of school, and it went pretty well! Alex loves the beginning of the year, so we are riding a very happy wave right now. Cameron takes awhile to get in the swing of things, so hopefully, the next week will be better for him. He was tired and pretty grumpy last week...
Not too much new on this end, life is still crazy-busy, although I have a pretty good handle on it all right now. I love these phases of my life, when everything is held together nicely. It won't take long before it comes apart at the seams and I begin slacking on the house, laundry, paperwork, etc...
I am starting a 5k training program, and have finished week 1. It is a nine week program, but I think I am going to stretch it out to 18 weeks and do each week twice. It is pretty easy, but I was working up a bit of a sweat. I am doing it on the treadmill--I HATE the treadmill, but so far, it has been OK because I have a regimen to follow, so that makes it a bit easier.
Well, I'm outta here...gotta watch the football game.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Today, I took the day off because the kids all had dentist appts. I made the appointments the week before I gave up my day off to work, and I wasn't real happy about it. So, I made the appointments for 11:30, smack dab in the middle of my day so I would have to take the day off. So, I was so excited to have a Monday off with nothing to do, other than the dentist. It would be just like it was before I started working on Mondays.
Last night (Sun) I began to feel that it was going to be so great to have the day off, that I might start thinking it was not worth the $$ anymore, and maybe I should look at putting an end to this. That made my anxiety escalate a tad because we really do need the money, but maybe I could just make it work.
This morning, it was a wonderful morning. The kids were entertaining themselves, I sipped on a cup of coffee and watched Ellen, and I was really thinking, maybe I should do this (look at ending my Mondays at work). We leave for the dentist, I take the kids out for lunch, and decide we should really do something special. So, I take them to Sibley State Park (again) because they have an awesome swimming beach.
Halfway there, it starts...
"Are we there yet?" at least 20 times. "How much longer?" "Alex, stop it!"
When we are at the park, things are OK. We have fun swimming, and decide to go for a hike. Halfway on the 1 mile hike, the boys have to use the bathroom. "Can you wait until we get back to the building?" "Yeah..." Then the Keeping-Hands-To-Oneself starts to become an issue...
I then promised them we would have DQ if they were cooperative and patient during the hike (Lilly has a tendency to slow the process down quite a bit). I then inform the kids that since it was close to supper, they could choose to share a treat, get a very small treat, or forego their bedtime snack. This totally peeves Alex, and I get attitude from him. Then, Lilly totally melts down because I ate the top off of her sundae so she wouldn't spill everywhere.
In the car, Lilly proceeds to get all of her sundae all over her! She actually had ice cream on her butt, her eyes, behind her seat...everywhere. I then have to stop at the store to get dishwasher soap...Oh JOY!!! Lilly has another meltdown, complete with sitting down in the checkout aisle and screaming.
No, it's not over yet. The boys are hyper (overtired) for much of the evening. Then, at bedtime, Lilly has probably the worst tantrum I have ever seen her have, complete with kicking, hitting, screaming, and throwing.
So, the thought of going to work tomorrow doesn't sound so bad...
The day today was fun, it really wasn't so bad. And I do miss my days home. But it was a good thing for me to see what some of my days are like when I am home, and to realize that I am still doing the best thing for our family by being at work. If it would have been an absoulutely perfect day, I would really be torn about this whole Monday thing. But I know it is what we need right now, so I feel good about it again. Whew!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

OK, forget that last post...I have been choosing STRESS all week long!! It was a busy week at work, we didn't have daycare on Wed., and there are just lots of pressures all around! Soooo, I guess I realized I felt I was doing a good job managing my crazy life because there were no hurdles to manage. I forgot this about myself, but when there are hurdles, I kind of freak out!!! Well, I have settled down a bit, which is nice, and I am back to my "Stress is a choice that I do not choose" attitude. What a dork!!
On Monday night, the kids were with my dad and step-mom, Linda, and Ed and I had a night to ourselves. We got off work at 3:30, and couldn't decide what to do. We are on a tight budget right now, so we wanted to do something relatively cheap. So, out the window with the idea of going out for dinner/movie. We decided to go to Sibley State Park, where we got engaged 12 years ago. We had only been back once since then, right before our wedding, 11 years ago. In our former lives (before kids), we loved to hike. So we took in about 2-3 miles of hiking. It was soooo nice to have time together outside, doing something we loved. We saw at least 10-12 deer, as we were out until 8:30 or so. What a nice time to reconnect and have fun together! Lord knows, we don't get to do that enough!!
Life around here...Things are OK. We are getting ready for school to start, a little more than a week away. The boys were happy that they were placed with the teachers they wanted. I am hopeful that it will be a good year. Alex is excited, Cameron is, well, Cameron about school starting. He could take it or leave it. Lilly keeps talking about going to school. She might be in for a rude awakening when it sinks in that she isn't going to school this year.
Is there really this much of a difference between boys and girls?? Lilly is generally so agreeable and easy to manage. Oh, there is a flip side to that coin, because that girl cries over everything! You could look at her sideways and she will cry! When the boys were this age, they were much less agreeable, but you couldn't make them cry if you tried. I can't decide what to think of this. I love that she is so easy to manage, but the crying will drive me to my crazy place...We have been enjoying our summer, though, and I am a little sad to see it end. The kids, together, are at such great ages and we really do have a lot of fun.
My exercise routine is almost non-existent right now. I am helping to plan our class reunion, and it will probably be in Feb (it was supposed to be this summer...), so I'd better get in shape. I don't particularly want to be as "large and in charge" as I am right now...
This week, a sister of a classmate of ours suddenly passed away from a pulmonary embolism at the age of 35. What a reminder of how quickly this wild ride could come to an end, and what a lesson to really appreciate every day and every minute you have been given. She had 2 kids, so keep them and the rest of her family in your thoughts and prayers...
Here's to not choosing stress.............

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life around here is pretty much the same old thing...which is why it has been a week or more since I've posted anything. We have been hanging out at home, busy at work, and watching lots of Olympics. We are getting ready for school to begin, and on Friday, the boys find out who their teachers will be next year. I love the anticipation of the start of the school year, of course, I looooved going back to school every fall, so I guess those old habits die hard.
In March, I gave up my day off to work 45+ hours every week because I felt that our family would benefit more from the extra $$ than from me being home during the day. I knew it would take a lot of committment on my part, and I have been doing pretty well to stay focused on my current task (living in the present, as Oprah would say). I was just recently asked "How do you stay so happy?" I realized, upon being asked that question, that I have been pretty successful in not letting this crazy life get to me too often. I have been able to carve out plenty of time for the kids, and now that I have them working to help out around the house, I am spending so much less time on cleaning and chores, which gives me more time to spend with the kids. Life is really all about balance, whether you work 60 hours a week or stay home with your kids. Finding the balance among it all is the key. I also have realized that stress is a choice. Many times, we are powerless against our circumstances, but we do have the power to let those circumstances rule our lives. Stress is the biggest waste of energy and precious time, and I refuse to engage in it. Of course, there are times that stress is necessary, especially for a procrastinator like me (I'd never get anything done without a little pressure). But I will not allow it to be a factor in my daily life--nothing worse than the pit-in-your-stomach feeling of being stressed and overwhelmed.
Anyway, some pretty deep thoughts for a Thursday afternoon, but this is a reflection of where I am at today. And if (or better, when) I am no longer living by the attitude of "stress is a choice" I can look back on these words and get back to the present. Or, as Garth (yes, Wayne's World) would say "Live in the now, man."

Monday, August 04, 2008

It was a very nice day today, I almost had the day off. I took the morning off because the kids had eye appointments. I figured I'd need time to shop for glasses when we were done, so I thought it best to take the morning off. I didn't have a patient until 12:30 and luckily no one needed glasses, so we were done and back in Cold Spring by 9:30. We played at the park, and I dropped the kids off at daycare at 11:00. I then went home and had one whole hour by myself at home!! It was very nice to just hear nothing for an hour and to quickly get caught up on stuff around the house. I went to work, stayed until 3 and came home. Not a bad day at all!!
Things around here are pretty good, we had a busy day on Saturday. Kim (my sister-in-law) and I did the 5k in St. Cloud on Saturday morning. We were 2 of 4 people who walked, but we didn't finish last!! Then, as soon as I got home, we were off to the Cities for my nephew and Godson's 6th birthday party. We were home by 6, and had no other committments the rest of the weekend! I finally finished my book (Cold Mountain), and am still not sure if I liked it or not. It was very slow, and kind of boring, but it was very well-written, descriptive, and the story ended the way I wanted it to (very important criteria in a book for me). I played with the kids, and in general, had a very nice, relaxing day. I am trying to keep the weekend free of anything next weekend so we can actually have 2 days of no committments! I don't even remember the last time that has happend!
It has been one of those times where I feel so good...I am spending quality time with my kids, I am staying on top of the work at home and at work, and I am generally feeling very content! Yay for me! I love these phases. Usually, in a few weeks, things will get crazy, I will fall behind at home and work, and will feel the stress of this crazy life. But for now, I will just enjoy the free minutes I have and live in the moment...that seems to work the best for me!
Well, I've got supper cooking, and I'm sure it is almost ready. I'd better run!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It is sort of unusual for me to feel like Tuesday is a good day, but today has been a good day all around! I had a good day at work (the morning was a little crazy, but things evened out in the afternoon), got all of my paperwork done. My desk is clean, my to-do folder is (almost) empty, and everything is under control! Then, my last 2 patients cancel, so I left early!
Then, I pick up the kids from daycare, and they are ready in a flash (this never happens), they all had good days and are happy/smiling/content! Yay!!! So, I am looking forward to a great evening at home!
Yesterday after work, I took the kids swimming at the pool at Grandma and Grandpa Holen's apartment. It was so nice to be in the water when it was so hot outside! We had fun, went grocery shopping, and came home. Pretty uneventful, but it was fun to do something fun on a Monday evening.
Well, I am off to make supper and then go outside to play Baseball with Cameron. He informed me that I am permanently the outfield when we play...sounds like fun!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cameron had a great birthday yesterday! We didn't have plans, but it was a busy day nonetheless. He went to a baseball party at the neighbor's house, swam in their pool, played baseball, and had a good time. Then, when he got home, my brother Jamie (his godfather) and their two boys were over. Jamie gave Cameron the perfect lineup of gifts, Star Wars figures, baseball stuff, and a Wii game. Then Ed's parents and sister, Anna (his godmother) came over for cake and presents. Anna got Cam some super-sweet walkie-talkies with a range of 14 miles!! Might be a good gift for all of us!! Cameron had a great time, got a lot of nice gifts, and was such a happy camper! So, today is full of playing, movies, and just relaxing from the busy day yesterday. Cameron watned to watch video of when he was a baby last night, it is hard to believe seven years have passed since that time! The vidoe was very fun to watch, of course, Alex (at 19 months) stole the show with all of his cute little mannerisms and quick temper! It was fun for all of us to see!
I am getting the house clean this weekend, laundry done, and trying to get everything in order for the week. It is going to be a super-busy week at work, but with the end of baseball, life at home won't be so crazy anymore. I am getting bills paid, things put where they belong, and hopefully, will have some time this evening to clean up a little paperwork for work so I can start the week with a clean slate. This is probably the first weekend in the last month or so that we have had at home, so it feels great to catch up on things.
Yesterday morning, my friend Jessica and I walked the 5k in Cold Spring. It was a nice walk, we kept a good pace, and it was a beautiful morning. My goal is to work my way up to running a 5k by next spring. We will see...
I'm off to pick up the garbage from all of the presents yesterday.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

It was a very refreshing day at work today, I finally got all my paperwork caught up!!! Such an accomplishment considering how busy the past few weeks have been! I have realized that my high stress level is often the result of things piling up at work, so I am very happy to have everything under control finally...
Tuesday we spent the day at the Science Museum for Cameron's birthday. We had a lot of fun, but were pretty tired when we got home! Cameron ended up getting carsick on the way down during stop and go traffic and threw up in the car. Poor buddy!! I felt so bad for him. We stopped at the bakery at 6:30 am on our way out of town and he was so excited to get a peanut donut. The first thing he said when he was done throwing up was "I don't think I will be having any more peanut donuts". But, that didn't deter him for long, and he had a very good time seeing the Star Wars exhibit. We got home at about 4:00 and just hung out at home for the rest of the evening.
Cameron's birthday is on Saturday...I can't believe he is going to be 7! It seems like just yesterday that he was a sweet little munchkin. He really was the sweetest little baby, he was so easygoing, smiley, and such a cuddler. As he got a little older, he also developed his sense of humor, he would put different things on his head to make us laugh or make a silly face. He was just so sweet! Not that he isn't sweet now, but it is just different. I do enjoy having conversations with him. He is so interested in learning, and I, with my Cliff Claven love of trivia, love to teach him tidbits of info that he wouldn't learn in school! Anyway, it will be a bittersweet day, as it is for all three of the kids' birthdays, when I look forward to their growth but look back on what is over, never to come again.
Anyway, we are hoping to have a fun day on Saturday, but didn't really plan anything for Cameron's birthday--the trip to the Science Museum was in place of a birthday party. We will have some family over throughout the day, and may go to a Cold Spring baseball game. Otherwise, we will pretty much take it easy. I will be walking in the 5k here in CS for our Hometown Pride festival with my friend Jessica in the morning, that will probably be a good time. I am hoping to get in good enough shape to actually run a 5k next year, we will see.
Well, I'd better run. I've gotta get to bed!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We had a very fun weekend this weekend. Friday night, all three kids chipped in to clean the house. We honestly got the whole house clean in about an hour! Both boys cleaned a bathroom, picked up all of the stuff in the upstairs, did the dishes, and Cameron tried to vacuum and mop the floor! Lilly cleaned all of the glass (TV, coffee tables, and sliding door) and did a mighty fine job! So, we went to the playground and to Chapel Hill in Cold Spring for a little bit before bed on Friday.
On Saturday, we headed up to Underwood (by Fergus Falls) to spend the day with Ed's brother, sister-in-law and their kids. The kids always have so much fun up there, and they played hard, stayed up late, and got up early. It was a very nice time to get out of the house and spend some time relaxing at their house!
We got home today at about 3:00, and I spent quite a bit of time in the garden today. I weeded the whole thing, picked peas, green beans, and raspberries. We are getting down to harvest time in the garden, which is great, but a ton of work at the same time. I was squatting for quite a while, so now I am pooped out and ready for bed.
I can't believe how fast these weekends fly by! I would be feeling much more anxiety about starting another week without having much down time this weekend, but we are all taking Tuesday off and heading to the Science Museum for an early birthday trip for Camerons 7th birthday (on Saturday the 26th). The boys are very much looking forward to seeing the Star Wars exhibit, and I think Ed is just as excited as they are!!
Well, I am going to finally have some rest, I am reading "Cold Mountain" right now, so I might try to get through a little more of that, or I might just flick through the TV channels while I lie in bed!
Happy Monday (almost)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another busy week here at the Holen house. I am in one of those "holy cow, I am 'this-close' to freaking out" modes. Everything just feels ilke it is a little too much. Work has been super busy, I think that is the main culprit, then I bring the fast-pace, near-panic home with me. Things will be lightening up a little around here with the end of baseball, we can then return to our normal, after-work routine. I really need to pull out a 4 or 5 hour paperwork marathon, but I just can't seem to muster up the energy for it once I get home. But, at some point in time, I will need ot do it!!
Otherwise, I think life around here is pretty good. I finally am feeling like myself after the bike tour, it took about 1 1/2 days to get my bearings back, but I am remarkably not sore at all, which is nice. I am now gearing up for a 5k on the 26th and one on the 2nd of August. Don't be fooled, I am not some super-svelte exercise freak. I need the motivation of actually "training" for something to discipline myself to really do something. Anyway, I think that's all, we are ordering pizza tonight (sine it is 7:30 and we just got home), and it should be here soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Well, today was the big day, and I survived the bike tour! It wasn't very easy, although, only once or twice did I feel so worn out that I didn't know if I would make it. There was a strong west/northwest wind, which made the first 3/4 pretty challenging. We were traveling west at the beginning on the hilliest part of the course, which was very difficult. We then headed south to Cold Spring (we started in St. Joseph), which was a little better. There, we took a break at the first stop. We then headed primarily north and west from Cold Spring to St. John's University, which was not as hilly as the first leg of the tour, but was about 4 miles longer, and we were fighting the wind much of the way. There were still quite a few hills, especially when we were biking on Co. Rd 50 (between Avon and Cold Spring), and as we approached St. Johns. The last 8 miles were a breeze (literally), because we had the wind to our backs most of the way!
Rick biked with me, and while it was challenging for me, he could have gone much faster. Some of it is attributed to my condition vs. his, but also is a result of the fact I was using a mountain bike whereas 99% of the people in the race were using road bikes. Rick could coast for much farther distances than I could, and his bike moved faster than mine.
It took us 3 1/2 hours of time on the bike to finish, and about 4 1/2 hours form start to finish including the time at the rest stops. Our (my) average speed was only 9.8 mph!!! I am going to hold the wind accountable for some of that because I generally can travel 12 mph or more when there is no wind.
Anyway, I am absolutely exhausted! I feel like I have a hangover now, and am just pretty much watching the clock until I can go to bed. I would nap, but I don't think I'd sleep if I took a nap now...
I am glad it is over, I felt I was fairly well-prepared, but I do know I need a new bike if I am going to do it again. Rick said I probably did double the work that he did because my bike is so heavy and my tires are so big. Plus, I was passed like I was standing still by a lot of people!
I am going to go supervise the boys doing dishes, and go play Yahtzee with them...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Well, I decided to go for a monster bike ride tonight to see if I was truly as ill-prepared as I was last evening for the upcoming tour on Sunday. The ride started out about as great as the night before, and I thought I was done. I got about 3 or 4 miles into it, and I realized that if I stood up to pedal, I felt fine, but as soon as I sat down, my legs were cramping. I looked at my legs as I was pedaling, and thought I was maybe bending my knee too much at the lower pedal. So I raised my seat about 1.5 inches and wouldn't you know it, I felt a million times better and pushed on for about 18-20 miles tonight. I am tempted to go out and clock my distance with my car to see how far I actually went, but that might be a little too nerdy!! I had a great ride, and am feeling soooo much better about Sunday. I think I am going to take tomorrow and Saturday off to be well-rested and ready on Sunday. I sure hope I survive!!
Otherwise, things around here are pretty much status quo. The boys have checkups at the Dr. tomorrow, not much to report on that. Otherwise, I am just gunning for the weekend, which it seems like I am always doing that, but these summer weekends are too short and too few not to be savored! We are all enjoying this summer so much, despite the busy-ness of life. The boys will be done with baseball in 2 weeks, which I am actually really looking forward to. Baseball is fun, but there is a lot of running around. Plus, on Mondays, when I get home early (usually about 3:45), we could squeeze in a 1-2 hour swim at grandma's pool when baseball is over. Hard to believe that it will soon be August, and time to think about going back to school. I don't know how ready any of us are for that! Alex has been having a marvelous summer, and seems so much happier that the pressure of school is off. Cameron does get kind of bored, and maybe going back to school won't be so rough on him. And of course, it really makes no difference to Lilly, although in one short year from now, we will be preparing for Preschool (?!).
Enough rambling, I need to shower, I am awfully sweaty!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Well, I went out for my first bike ride since the flat tire incident 10 days ago...Needless to say, I haven't done a very good job keeping up my endurance during these 10 days, and that 6 mile ride whooped my a**!!! I biked in town, which I like to believe is slightly more challenging because there are a lot of short, but steep hills, whereas out in the country the hills are longer, but more sloped. Anyway, I guess that will be my excuse for today...
I plan to go out tomorrow evening for a long ride and Friday sometime, although I'm not too sure when I will squeeze it in...If I don't go Friday, I will go Saturday, although I was planning to take Saturday off to be well-rested before the event. Well, I guess we will just have to see how it all goes. It will all be over with on Sunday, regardless, and I plan to finish, I just might take longer than I anticipated.
Life here is much the same. I went back to work after the long weekend, and the day was OK, a few fires to put out here and there, but no big drama, which is nice to come back to. The boys had a ball game tonight, and Alex made two awesome fielding plays, which really boosted his confidence! I think the kids are ready to go back to Tracy's, they have really been out of their routine, and I think they need to get back into the swing of things.
I guess that's it from CS...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

We just returned from a 5-day trip to Ed's uncle's cabin up near Erskine, MN. It was such a great time, we had perfect weather all weekend, and spent lots of time on the water. On Monday, we had the cabin to ourselves. It was rainy, but it was OK because we stayed in, read books, played cards, and Alex and I made bars. It was just the break we needed to rejuvinate!!
Tomorrow, I head back to work, and unlike the last time I was off from work for more than the weekend, I feel pretty good about going back. I got plenty of rest, and am ready to tackle the remainder of the week. I guess it helps I only have two full days, and just a half-day Friday (the boys have checkups at the Dr Friday afternoon).
I have really gotten out of practice on my biking, which is unfortunate since my big tour is on Sunday. I will hit it hard two or three more times before Sunday. I really think it will be A-OK because there is a stop at 12 miles, 28 miles, and the course ends at 35 miles. So the longest stretch I will be biking is 14 miles, which I can do fairly easily.
Well, this is short and boring, but I am spent and ready to hit the hay. Will chat more later...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I tried today to go 20 miles on my bike. I had a strong wind that I was pushing against for the first 8 or 9 miles. But, I knew that on my way back home I would have this wind to my back and I would fly home with no difficulty. I turn around, and finally am able to bike in my high gears with no difficulty. It is warm, sunny, and a beautiful day. All of a sudden, I hear a flapping. I look, and the back tire of my bike is flat. So, I have to call Ed to come and rescue me. Needless to say, my 20-mile ride only ended up being 11 or 12 miles, and I only was able to drive with the wind to my back for about 1.5 miles.
I went to Valley Daze on Sat. evening. It has been a long time since I did the street dance/bar scene. It was pretty fun, there were a lot of people there, most of whom I did not know. It was crazy to see these young kids that I used to babysit running around with beer!!
Been a boring, quiet day around here. We are going up to the cabin in Erskine (4 hrs. away) on Thursday night, so I have not done too much in the house since I will likely be working on it on Wed. I hate coming home to a messy house!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Whew! After a long and busy week, it is finally the weekend! Now that I am working on Mondays, it seems I appreciate the weekends much more than I used to. Perhaps it is because I am busy, busy, busy all week long, and the weekend is something to be savored and enjoyed! So, I guess if there is anything good about all of this busy-ness, that would be it.
I stayed off the bike yesterday to give my body a rest, and it was nice having the whole evening at home to catch up on things. I went to bed pretty early, and could have slept a lot longer this morning!!
There's not a whole lot going on around here, the kids are doing fine--the boys are currently very hyper right now, which gets under my skin, but I try to just grin and bear it...Easier said than done sometimes, though.
Tomorrow, we are going to my Dad and Linda's for a family reunion of sorts. It is something that they have been planning for a long time, and it will hopefully be pretty fun. Then my friend Jessica and I are going to the Valley Daze street dance. Oh, yeah, good times!!! It will hopefully be fun, and if not, we will at least have fun people watching! I hope we don't get "Valley Dazed!!"
Next week, we are going up to Ed's uncle's cabin for the 4th of July. Should be fun, and a nice getaway, since that is the only thing we have planned all summer long. We will be gone from Thursday night until possibly Tuesday, so it will be a nice stretch of time to just get away from it all!!!
Better run, we are all supposed to be cleaning the house before the weekend...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I went out tonight and did about 17-18 miles on the bike, and it went pretty well! I sure had a sore butt and back, though, and I think I may take tomorrow off. Not to mention that this week has absolutely flown by, I have dishes from yesterday that haven't been done, I need to get going on slicing and freezing the strawberries. So, tomorrow night, I will get home from work at my normal time, make supper, and then have the whole evening to get caught up.
The boys had baseball tonight (every Mon and Wed), and, while it is fun watching them play, it will be nice when it is done (only four weeks left). It is just so crazy and nuts. But, it is fun while we are there, it stinks when we get home at 7:30 and haven't eaten supper yet.
The subject title is a quote from Anchorman...I thought it was appropriate to include in my post, since I have been regularly posting so I can track my progress with my biking. He makes that statement when he is "working out" to impress the girl. My uvulus muscle which is connected to my upper dorsimus really was worked hard when I was out tonight!!!
It has been a really busy week, and I am just feeling a little spent. I hope the last two days of this week go smoothly, and then I can take a breather over the weekend...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It is days like today that I feel I need the ultimate discipline to hold everything together or else it will all go to he** in a handbasket! I have to be living in the moment, taking each task one step, one job at a time, and force myself to not get too far ahead of myself or I start to FREAK!!!
There was no particular stressor, it was a busy, but not too busy day at work. I got some paperwork done, and caught up on a few things. Our Board of Directors met until 8:15, and that was a productive meeting. In the grand scheme of things, I don't mind losing an evening here or there for work-related things, especially being an owner of a business, I know that is what it takes to be successful. It is when the day comes, though, and I get home, and I realize I spent all of 30 minutes with my kids for the entire day!
Then, I really want to stay on track with my biking, or else I am afraid the Tour will be too much for me, so on top of being at work for over 12 hours, I squeeze in a 7 mile bike ride (which I completed in about 30 mins :-). Now I am home, and I can't believe my day!!! I am trying to realize that tomorrow is a new day, I will be home tomorrow night, I will spend time with my kiddies, and before I know it, I will have the whole weekend to be with them. So, deep breath, Robbie!!!!
I know I have too much on my plate and I am in the midst of performing an amazing balancing act. That is where discipline comes into play. Staying focused on what I am doing at the given moment so I can give my all to whatever it is I am doing is my secret for making this all work. And, in the end, I know it will be worth it, I will somehow reap the rewards of the hard work I am putting forth in all areas of my life, as a business owner, as a worker, as a mother, as a wife, and as a girl who is trying to get myself in shape so when that time comes I am healthy and able to fully enjoy it!!
Anyway, some deep thoughts...I guess I just needed to get the frenzy of the day out in my BLOG, and now I can actually go talk to my hubby and find out about his day. Never mind it is already 10:00....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well, my bike tour is just 20 days away, and I guess it is time to get serious about training. I went for a 15 mile ride tonight and finished in about 70 minutes, which is about 12-13 mph. I am pretty tired, but I could have kept going. I am thinking I will be OK, since there are a few stops along the way to rejuvinate. It was so beautiful outside, and I arrived at Big Fish Lake just in time for a sliver of sun to peek through the clouds and shine across the water. I could have stayed there forever, it was so pretty!
Our strawberries are starting to ripen which is great and the pits all at the same time. I have to be diligent in picking them daily now for the next 10 days or so, in order to avoid wasting any strawberries (heaven forbid...). I have the kids to help, though. Alex doesn't have much interest in the garden, and strawberries in particular, because he doesn't like to eat them. But Cameron and Lilly love to get out and help pick, which makes it fun instead of work...
Alex FINALLY lost his second tooth today, after Ed told him if he didn't get it out today, he would pull it out before baseball, and there was no way he was playing baseball tonight if his tooth was still in his mouth. I guess that was just the motivation he needed! He even pulled it out by himself!
I think that is about it for news around here, it is just one bundle of excitement after another here in CS...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

We had a fantastic day today! The weather was beautiful, which always boosts my spirits, and we had so much fun! It started by cleaning the house. NO, that is not very fun, but I had help today from the boys because they were excited to go swimming. Then, we stopped at the bakery for a breakfast treat (even though it was almost noon. We then went swimming at grandma's apartment. Poor Cam was shivering the whole time, and we ended up leaving a bit early because he was so cold. But Lilly loved the water, and she was having so much fun. Then, we went to Munsinger Gardens in St. Cloud for a picnic lunch. The park is so beautiful, and the kids enjoyed walking along the paths, looking at the flowers. We walked up to Clemens Gardens, where there are tons of flowers and fountains. It was so beautiful to see the flowers in bloom, and with the sunshine and perfect temperature, it was very relaxing. We then stopped at the mall for a little shopping, headed home, and then off to Ed's cousin's graduation party. Kim (my sister-in-law) and I are both single moms for the week, so with our collective 9 kids playing with all of the other kids there, we were able to chat! We just got home and the kids are watching a movie in bed. What a day full of fun!
Yesterday, we went to Avon to see Great-Grandma Backes and Honey (my Grandma and aunt), and I had a very nice visit with them. The kids went outside to play for awhile, and it may be the first time since I have had kids that I was able to have an uninterrupted conversation with my Grandma when I have brought the kids with me to see her. It was so nice, and just makes me realize that I need to get there more often to see her, since she is a very important person to me, and she is not getting any younger!!
Tomorrow, we are going to hang out at home, and then we are going to a Springers game. The boys have free admission, pop, and a hotdog courtesy of their Little League, and they are very excited to see the ball game. It is the first amateur game they have been to, so it should be fun.
Well, I am trying to convince myself to work on some work-related tasks, but I don't know that I want to ruin this perfect day. I may go watch TV or a movie instead!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Well, another busy week is almost under my belt, and I am looking forward to the weekend! Ed is on a golf weekend, so I am a single mom for the weekend. We have lots of stuff planned to make the weekend go by quickly, since the boys are sad and miss their daddy!! The week was a typically busy week, my house is messier than I would like, my desk at work is absolutely piled with paper, and the weeds are growing too fast in the garden. I can't wait to be able to slow down a little, but the demands of work, family, etc, keep me on my toes!!!
Cameron lost his second tooth today, much to Alex's dismay (Cameron is up 2 to 1), and it is hard to explain to Alex that all of his grumbling takes away from Cameron's excitement. I sometimes have to think about what it is like to be 8, and to remember that Alex is just a kid, it is hard to be happy for someone when you are feeling jealous.
Lilly has been a bit under the weather, she seems to have had a slight stomach bug, then today had a sharp pain in her R side. I'm a bit nervous about it, because, of course, things will go wrong when I am home alone with the kids (when Cameron was 9 weeks old, he was hospitalized for a virus that caused meningitis--when Ed was 5 hours away on a hunting trip--Lilly had her first bout of RSV and was almost hospitalized--when Ed was 8 hours away on a golf trip). Sooo, things tend to go to pot when I am all alone with these munchkins!!
Well, I will wrap this up, life has been just too boring around here--nothing new to write about. I am still trying to train for the Tour of Saints on July 13, and have just gotten to the point where I can comfortably bike at least 10 miles, up hills, down hills, without any discomfort. So, after Ed gets back, I need to hit it hard and start practicing longer rides (15 or 20 miles). I have some work-related activity I need to tackle tonight before tomorrow, so I'd better run!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well, the week has died down substantially, which is a relief. Things have settled at work and here at home, and I am just coasting to the weekend! The tooth fairy brought each boy $5!! Good advice, we were given, to motivate them to get those teeth out. Well, it must have worked, because Alex has another tooth just hanging by a thread, and he has been working at it pretty hard!
Not too much new to report around here, the sun is out and it is a beautiful day! It is so uplifting after a day like yesterday. I am makng a delicious and "gormay" () supper of mac and cheese and PB & J's. Then I am headed out to the lawn mower to spend some quality time in the sun!!! The kids are good, having fun playing outside at daycare, and enjoying their summer vacation!
I feel like I am finally getting my head back after my vacation, and getting back into the swing of things at work. I tell ya, taking time off might be worse for my motivation in the long run, because it never seems to be enough time away!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WOW, I feel like the past few days have been an absolute whirlwind!! I have been sooooo busy at work, and am starting to get that "suffocating" feeling of being too far behind for my comfort. The only remedy to that is that I will be up late tonight getting a handle on my paperwork, so I can finish out the week without losing my mind!
Yesterday was an incredibly busy day at work, and it just got started off on the wrong foot. The boys were so hyper and crazy, and I was so crabby (because it was Monday and I was going to work and not staying home). So, that started the day, just feeling crabby and irritated. Then, I get to work, and I see one patient after another, without a chance to pee. Mind you, I love my job, and I love doing what I do, but I would like a few minutes to breathe!!! Then, I get home, and have to bake a cake for work. At work, the person who had the last birthday makes or brings a treat for the next person's birthday. Well, instead of picking something up, I thought I would make a delicious Snickers cake (it is sooo yummy, but it takes some effort). Of course, having 3 kids and a husband who like cake, I decide to make two, since I am already going to the trouble to make one. So, I have that going on in the kitchen, plus I have to make supper and have the boys fed and out the door to their baseball game at 5:30 (I got home from work at 4). So, naturally, I am starting to get overwhelmed, as the microwave buzzer is going off, the carmel is scorching on the stove, I am trying to cut up a roast, etc, etc, etc. Then, I pour frozen corn into a bowl (the big JUMBO Sam's Club bag of corn), and proceed to spill corn all over the floor!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can think about are all of the mice, bugs, and other rodents of which I am deathly fearful living under the fridge and stove where 80% of this corn landed. I have to pull out the fridge, sweep and scrub, pull the stove drawer out, sweep and scrub. And, I think I have just reached my breaking point!!!!! Thankfully, the remainder of the afternoon went off without a hitch, my cakes turned out fabulously, and we made it to the boys' game with 10 minutes to spare!
One more thing to mention on this never-ending posting. Today, both Alex and Cameron lost their first tooth! Cameron lost his a few hours before Alex. Cameron is not at all afraid of wiggling, tugging, and pulling at his tooth. But Alex has a lot of anxiety about pulling his teeth, and thus, at 8 1/2 , he still had not lost a tooth. Until today! They were both so excited that they lost them together, and I think it is a special memory they will have forever when they think about when they lost their first tooth.
Anyway, I have the boys doing dishes in the kitchen, and they are wild. I'd better get in there and do some damage control. All I know, is I hope those people who say boys are harder when they are younger and easier when they get older are right, because these two boys sure give me a run for my money with their never-ending energy, use of "outdoor voices" in the house, and constant....everything!!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Well, today is the big day! For anyone who doesn't know, my birthday is kind of a big deal for me...I was adorned with a crown, sash, and a button to wear at work today! I had a nice dinner out with Ed and the kids (at least as nice as it gets with three kids), and I got a softball glove and the promise of a Wii Fit when Ed can get his hands on one. I also received very nice gifts from my family (THANKS!!), so it was a great way to turn 33
This morning, I went to the cemetery to spend a little time with my mom. It sounds kind of strange, but the only person I feel I share this day with is her. I know that for me, as a mother, my kids' birthday is just as meaningful and special to me as it is to them. So, I realized that my birthday was probably as special for her as it was for me. So, for the past few years, I get up early before work and head to the cemetery. It is usually a bright, sunny morning, and I sit on the grass and listen to the birds, and I hope that my mom can read my mind so I don't have to talk out loud...But this morning it was wet, so I had to crouch. But, it was nice nonetheless, and is an important time for me to reflect and connect with her.
Anyway, I'd better go and enjoy the last few hours of my birthday, since it is almost over.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It has been a very busy couple of days, as is usual in this household! It seems like it should be at least Wednesday, but it is only Tuesday. Yesterday, I went back to work after my vacation, and it was fine to be there, pretty drama-free, etc. But, today, the drama seems to be ramping up (long, boring, OT-related stories, won't bore you with it!!). I picked up the kids from daycare at 3:45, took them to the library, returned home and made a batch of cookies and supper. I really want to be able to do our summer outings that we did when I had Mondays off, so I am trying to do something on Mondays with them when I get home. As I'm finishing up the cookies and supper, the boys are playing outside. They are being really hyper and making a lot of noise out there. I hear Cameron start screaming, and I was walking over to the window (to tell them to settle down), when Alex comes tearing up the stairs telling me there is an emergency. Cameron's hand is in the van door...I run (literally--no clue how I got out to the van so fast), to see Cam behind the van with his hand stuck in the rear hatch door, screaming his head off. I lift the latch to open the door, and the *%! door is locked. I tear upstairs to look for the keys, with a suspicion that they are locked in the car, and of course, I don't find them upstairs. I run back to the van, and am nearly hysterical because I don't know what to do!!! I finally remembered that the spare key is in the key cabinet, and I literally had to tell myself to "go get the key, open the van door, bring Cameron into the house, put his hand on ice". Well, he seems OK, he is using his hand pretty well, but has some pain and bruising.
Tonight I had a meeting with our state OT association to discuss our upcoming conference in October. I have been working pretty hard on my part of it, and I am hopefully winding down. Lilly had to go to the meeting with me because Ed and the boys had baseball. She was a perfect angel!
So, it feels like it has already been a busy, crazy week. Can't wait for the weekend!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

UGGGGHHHH...I have to go back to work tomorrow. I could just use one more day off...Oh, well, might as well get it over with. It was a productive weekend, we got a lot done around here. Ed got rid of his Blazer, so we have space in the garage YAY!! The house is clean, the garage is clean, and even the van is clean!! Not much else to report, the kids are doing fine, they are feeling OK about going to daycare tomorrow, and Alex even asked me if he could do TWO of his math sheets tomorrow?!? Is this the same kid???
Well, I'd better get off to bed. I think 9 days of staying up past midnight and sleeping until 8 or later is going to catch up with me tomorrow morning.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I spent the better part of this afternoon creating summer educational activities that the boys can do at daycare this summer. There are definitely things that they need to work on in preparation for next fall, not to mention the fact that the days at daycare I'm sure get pretty long for Tracy and the boys. So I thought I would make them each a folder to take to daycare next week full of math, reading, and handwriting activities. You can about imagine how that went over with them, but that's life. I feel like my last "alone" afternoon of my vacation was wasted, but really, I felt like this was a "good" mom move, and something worth investing my time in, since I more often invest my time in the "good enough" mom moves .
We had a picnic today at the park, but got a late start because I ranted and raved at the boys because they were so miserable and GROUCHY this morning. Then, we get to the park, and Lilly has to go potty. The boys don't want to leave the park, so I let the boys stay at the park, fly to Subway (the nearest bathroom), and fly back to the park. There was a car at the park when I left, and when I returned it was gone. About 10 minutes later a police car drives by the park, made me a little nervous, although it could have been coincidence. At any rate, it was hectic and crazy!! You would think there would be a potty somewhere within the proximity of a public park...
Just three more days of vacation, then back to work...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a dreary day today! I was hoping for another beautiful day like yesterday, but no luck. I went for a big, long bike ride yesterday out to Big Fish Lake and back (round trip--about 12 miles). I guess I am "in training" for the 35-mile Tour of Saints on July 13 that I will be doing with my brother and dad. I told my brother that I will do just fine as long as he doesn't mind biking slowly. A lot of silence on the other end of the line...might not be what he had in mind, keeping a 30-something sister who is not in very good shape company during this bike trip. Oh, well.
Not much new on this end, except I had to make an emergency run into St. Cloud to buy a new Webkinz for Alex. Lilly took Alex's cute little dog to the grocery store yesterday and misplaced it. The store does not have it, and I'm sure Bob is in the arms of some other child. I had to lie to Alex about it and just wonder, "Hmmm, I don't know where Bob could be. I'll look for it". So, into St. Cloud we go this morning, hoping and praying we can find another Bob. Sure enough, we found one, so, hopefully, it will all work out OK.
It is the last day of school today. I am such a nerd. I used to cry all the time at the end of the school year because I would miss my teachers and friends, and, oh yeah, I'm not a huge fan of change (did you know that?). Well, I went into school this morning with the boys to take their pictures with their teachers, and I can't help but feel a little emotional about the end of the year, even now! I always hated the last hour or so, because there was just so little time left as a 2nd grader, or 3rd grader, etc., and then it was all OVER!!! So now, I imagine the boys, feeling the same way, and I just feel sad for them. Of course, they probably don't give a rip, and they are probably staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until they are FREE!!!
Well, I should really go do SOMETHING...I have last night's dishes still sitting on the counter and I have dirty floors. Oh, this is pretty funny...Last night, I kept seeing dried mud all over the place, a little in the bathroom, on the kitchen floor, and on the stairs. So, of course, I say to the kids "which one of you forgot to take your shoes off outside before you came in?" (the summer rule because they bring in tons of sand). I hear three "not me's". I'm sure that someone is lying to me, until I look down and see the dried up mud all over my shoes that are still on my feet. Oh. Never mind. So, I have some vacuuming to do tonight.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well, another exciting day here in CS. I am getting ready to go to the dentist. This is what stinks about having a week off. I have to squeeze in all of my "maintenance" into my time off. Yesterday it was the hair (which is a little shorter than I was planning, but I kind of like it), today it is the dentist. Which, actually, I kind of like. A dental checkup is a bit like a day at the can lay back in the chair and daydream. The only difference is your mouth is open, you drool a little, and your conversation consists of "uh-huh, uh-uh, and uhhhhh.
My other topic of the day is the beauty of remote access. At work, we just got a new server that allows you to check in from home. How wonderful! So, I have been checking in on my e-mail a few times a day so I don't come back on Monday morning to 100 e-mails (seriously, it would probably be at least 75 or so...). Well, that just exposes me to the daily grind, stress, etc. I thought I was supposed to be on VACATION!!!! I will have to tell the OCD part of me to only check my e-mail and let it be...
Yesterday, Alex's play "Stone Soup" was fantastic! Alex had the lead part, and he is really quite the actor. Hard to see coming, given the fact that the kid has been a "drama KING" since day one! It was really cool to see his classmates tell him how great he did! Alex needs that positive support from his buds! Lilly was a bit of a pill, what else could I expect after waking her up to go.
I had a smidge of P&Q (peace and quiet) yesterday afternoon when all three kids went outside to play. It was only interrupted 3x when Lilly would ring the doorbell, only to have me run to the entryway to answer. It was then that she would inform me of all of the wrongdoings her brothers have committed! I had to shut her down with the tattling. Cameron and Lilly stayed out for quite a while, and it was so cute to watch them play together outside. He is a very nice big brother, and I guess he taught Lilly how to play "cops and robbers". Grrreat...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

OK, so I realize no one will probably ever read this, because my life is pretty boring, but I guess it is a good way for me to keep track of what is going on in my life, since I have the memory of a mosquito! I am on vacation this week from work, although I am vacationing at home...very relaxing! I am off to go see Alex perform in a class play in about 30 minutes, which means I need to wake Lilly up and take her with me, could be fun, could be disastrous. It just depends how well-rested the queen bee is!! School is ending on Thursday for the boys, and I don't know who is more excited, me or them! It has been quite the struggle as of late doing homework with Alex, and Cameron is antsy, too. I feel bad that they will have daycare every day this summer, as opposed to 4 days a week. Tracy is great, though, and I know she will keep them busy. But it is still not the same as just staying home and hanging out. Hopefully we will survive! Well, I'd better go...I have to put makeup before I leave, I just had my hair done and had my brows and lip waxed, so it looks like I drank a bunch of red Kool-Aid and put pink eyeshadow on! HOT MAMA!!!