My last few posts have been so dang deep, that I have neglected to keep up with the day to day happenings of each of us. There isn't much to report, seems like we are in a happily predictable state right now (I love predictability, consistency, nothing unexpected).
Alex is now a proud wearer of glasses. He just got his first pair last week, and he really likes wearing them. They help him quite a bit, too. I guess I didn't realize how much he needed them! He is doing pretty well in school, he has a fantastic teacher who really connects with Alex. That always makes things so much better! He is turning into quite a responsible kid and is showing a lot of independence. It is great to see him beginning to take care of himself without a lot of guidance from me. I love this age, it is probably my favorite age to parent...the teenage thing hasn't set in yet, but the intense, hands-on parenting is not necessary anymore. I love it!
Cameron is totally in love with WWE wrestling right now. The flames of his football passion last winter slowly faded over the summer, and I was gearing up for another winter of watching diving catches in "slow-mo" in the living room. But then Cameron discovered wrestling, and football was cast away like last night's supper. Not that wrestling is much better...I am frequently summoned to watch his "finishing move" on his big stuffed SpongeBob. He is so obsessed, in fact, that any question you ask him, the response will be some wrestling-related information. Cameron is doing well in school this year, too. He is very independent completing his homework, and I feel like a bit of a bad parent because I don't often know what he needs to do for homework, he just does it.
Lilly is totally in love with SCHOOL! She loves it all...the kids, the teacher, the learning, the painting, the projects, the free time, the rest time, the circle time, the writing, the reading, the lunch, the recess, the singing, the dancing...ALL OF IT! She was so excited to go back after Christmas vacation, and generally does not look forward to any days off from school. She does quite well in school, and catches on very quickly to all of the academics. She is sweet, as always, and very tender.
Ed is gearing up for tax season. Within the next two weeks or so, it will pretty much be full-speed ahead for a few months.
And I have been busy, as always. Working, taking care of the kids, house, etc. I have hopped back on the exercise wagon, after a three week break in December.
I guess that's it.
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