Lillian Diane Holen
AKA: Lilly, Lil, Lillers, Lillian D, Sweet Pea, Sweet Peadle, Peadle Deedle, Googey, Googley, Googley Bear, Googley Schmoogley, Googs, Googs Schmoogs.
Ever since I had kids, I worked a 4-day week. So, for the past 10 years, I have always had a child at home with me.
After Cameron went to kindergarten almost 4 years ago, I discovered the wonders of having just one child in my care, something not experienced since Alex was born (Alex and Cameron are 19 months apart....). I tried hard to enjoy those days with just one child, and as of this week, they are officially over. The boys will be home now each Monday until school starts, and once school starts, the Googley Bear will be in school too. Don't misunderstand, I enjoy having the boys home, and I know I will definitely get more accomplished because they will be home.
But it is the end of an era for me. The end of "special days" as Cameron called them, the year he was home with me when Alex was in kindergarten (Lilly was just a baby then, so Cameron got a lot of individual attention, too).
Last Monday, I made sure to play with her...we played a board game, Polly Pockets, and we did mani-pedis. We watched the "Sound of Musnic" (as she calls it), and I tried really hard to make it just a little more special than our regular special days.
The last picture I posted I snapped about five minutes before the boys came home from school...marking the end of this era for me.
It's bittersweet.
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