Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tonight we began "Decking Our Halls" in order to avoid the total chaos on Saturday that goes along with putting up the tree AND decorating the house at the same time. I am hoping that, perhaps, if we can get the decorating done first, get the house ready for the tree, maybe, just maybe, putting up the tree on Saturday won't be such a nightmare! I have a few ceramic pieces that my mom painted, and we have had them for as long as I can remember. I have a ceramic village, and a big Santa and Mrs. Claus. It was really special to put up the village with Alex, since he really appreciated the fact that his Grandma painted it. It is so nice when I can pass on a little tidbit from her to my kids in a way that is special, but doesn't make them cry. Alex, especially, can be very tender-hearted, and at times, when we talk about my mom, he will get sad (no, he never met her...he is just really sensitive). So, it was special and festive, and just the perfect evening to get me in the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately (for me...), our house is really small, so decking the halls really only took about an hour or so. Oh, well, it is less I will have to do after Christmas!

I am feeling such a need to get back to basics and to enjoy the simple joy of the holiday season instead of getting wrapped up in the shopping, gifts, cards, etc. In fact, I haven't even thought about sending out my Christmas cards yet. Maybe I'll get around to it, but maybe not. I just want to sit in my house, drink hot chocolate, and listen to Christmas music. Maybe this is my attitude since I haven't even started Christmas shopping. Maybe once I shop, the frenzied, frantic feeling will begin to set in...oh the joy!

This time of the year is duly joyful, yet stressful for us with celebrating the birthdays of 2 of our 3 children. I'm not sure what we were thinking, although I will say that with both Alex and Lilly, we tried for several months to concieve, and were unsuccessful until the cycle that put them due at the end of December (Alex is on the 30th, Lilly on the 21st). It is very special to contemplate and recall their birth around the time of Christmas, when the whole world is contemplating the birth of Christ...very timely. BUT, it is double the presents, double the work, and trying to squeeze in a birthday party into a very busy time is pretty stressful. I so look forward to January!

Things around here, are, as always, much the same. I am enjoying the laziness of winter, the nights where you get home from work, make supper, and cozy up on the couch. But, I miss the warmth. Better get used to it, though! The kids are good...all three have colds, which is no fun for them, but they refuse to take medicine to unclog their noses (the medicine I use tastes pretty nasty, but it is the best-working decongestant I have ever used). So, I just leave it up to them, their choice to be miserable or take the nasty medicine.

The boys are doing so well in school. Alex is surpassing many of my expectations, and is bringing home the highest grades he has ever brought home. I am so proud of him, he really is trying, and really is starting to care about his performance. Cameron is a 2nd grade rock star...he is such a sharp kid, and I am so proud of all of his hard work, too. He is the kind of kid that we actually find ourselves telling him to stop doing his homework, or stop reading. But he is very driven, and wants to get his work done immediately (Even in the middle of making supper and while I am on the phone--hence the telling him to stop doing his homework).

Lilly is FINALLY beginning to show an interest in learning her letters and numbers. I haven't pushed it too much (who has time??), but whenever I've tried, she becomes bored quickly. My daycare mom says that Lilly always asks during teaching time "can we paint?" "can we color now?" Just no interest. But in the past few weeks, her interest is emerging. Hopefully when she goes to preschool in the fall, she will be good to go with her letter recognition.

What a boring post. Sorry about the snooze-fest. Speaking of which...I am headed off to bed.

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