Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today I went to see my grandma, who is 88 years old. I brought the kids with me, which can be interesting, although today it went very well. I love going to see her. Visiting with her is not like visiting with your grandma, it is like visiting with a friend. We talked all afternoon, about what she has been doing (basically nothing because she has been afflicted with an extremely itchy body rash since June...she is totally miserable and no Dr. can figure out why). We talked about my life, which is so busy that I don't often get to go see her. It is so nice to get her perspective on things in general. She raised 9 kids, lived on a farm, and I can imagine had many struggles. But, she loved her kids, thought they were all so precious. She reminds me to enjoy the years that my kids are small, not to get caught up in the stress and chaos, and to love them.

Things at work have been very stressful, it seems as though things just turn on a dime, which affects my happiness at work. I love my work....I hate my work. I talked to her about it, and she is probably the first person who really has ever just listened (other than Ed--he is a good listener). She didn't advise, she didn't offer suggestions, she just listened and sympathized with me. And sometimes, that is really all I need.

I realize each time I see her, that we are getting closer and closer to the end, she looks a little older each time I see her, and she moves a little more slowly. She is not in immediate poor health, but I know the years are shrinking. I want to make sure we get the most of our friendship, the most of our time together before we can't do that anymore. She is simply the best grandma in the world, and I am so thankful to have her in my life.

Well, that was deep, but I want to remember this day, this visit with her for a long time.

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