Sunday, February 15, 2009

Something Lighter

Well, back to the same ol' postings about what is new with us.


We are all well, staying healthy, and ready for spring! Alex and I are counting down the days until we can get out on our bikes. That is such a fun thing we both enjoy doing. This year, I'm sure Cameron will join us, since he is finally riding a 2-wheeler with ease. He began riding on 2 wheels last summer, but was pretty cautious for the first month or so. Bike rides took a loooong time. It is nice to get those boys outside and burn off some energy (Lord knows, they have plenty of it!)

Alex sang today at the Winter Festival at our church with the Childrens' Choir. Now, I'm sure most parents believe their children are gifted, so I am really trying to not think that, but that boy has some serious musical ability, or so I believe. He was able to play the chimes during a song, and he played them with perfect timing, right on cue. He has an amazing ability to retain a song, and can sing it perfectly. I have been trying to teach him to play piano, but haven't been diligent with it. Then, I thought we could work on learning the guitar this summer. I would love to learn to play a guitar, and I know he would like it, too. We have a child's guitar that used to belong to Ed. I'm sure it isn't the best guitar, but it might be a place to start.

Cameron and Lilly are doing well. Cameron has been slacking on his reading after devouring nearly 20 books last month. He is all anxious about it, but has been so busy playing with his toys and playing outside that he just can't seem to sit down to read. He is such a self-motivated kid, which makes my life easier. He knows what he needs to do, and he just does it.

Lilly has been well, I think the key to managing her respiratory issues is the 1x/day nebs. She sounds perfectly clear right now. But, boy, has she been challenging. She is very strong-willed AND emotional right now. She told me today "I'm angry at you!!!!" and stomped away........Oh, boy.......She has cried in the mornings because she doesn't want to go to Tracy's (daycare), then she cries when I pick her up because she doesn't want to go home. We just can't make her happy.

I'm heading for bed. I have been staying up way too late for the past few nights, and it is finally catching up with me.


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