Sunday, December 21, 2008

So much going on!!

This has been such a busy week! First Adella was born on Sunday (12-14), then the typical crazy work week. On Tuesday night, Alex had a boy scout meeting, and Santa was there. He had a real beard and real hair, so Alex knew he was the REAL Santa! On Thursday night, the boys had their Christmas program. The program went well, but I tell ya, I can't say I enjoy sitting in a cramped pew in Church, with TONS of people for over an hour. Especially when each of the boys gets up with their grade and sings one song. Oh, well...better get used to it, right?

On Saturday, we celebrated Lilly's 4th birthday at home, since we were pretty much stranded with all of the snow that fell. She enjoyed it, but it was very low-key since no one could come over that day. I felt kind of bad, because the day just didn't seem so great. But, she was happy with her cake and presents, it would have been more fun having some people over, though. Then, on Saturday night, we baked Christmas cookies. It actually went pretty well. I had sworn off baking with the kids a few years ago, because it was such a nightmare. But, it did go pretty well!

On Sunday, Lilly's real birthday, we went to Dad's house and celebrated Christmas there. Santa came to see us there, and noticed that Santa's hair was a little shorter, and his beard was a little longer. Hmmmm... He seemed satisfied with the idea that Santa got a haircut, and that, because he is magical, his beard can grow very quickly. We had a fun day at Dad's, got lots of gifts, and had a birthday celebration for Alex and Lilly. It was very nice, and a big THANK YOU to Dad, and especially to Linda, for all of the work that went into this day. It is so appreciated, and never goes unnoticed!

I don't think things will die down until later next week. With Christmas this week, and next weekend, we are celebrating with the Holens for the whole weekend, we will be plenty busy! Next week, I took Tuesday (12-30) off because it is Alex's birthday. I also took Wednesday off to spend with the kids. I may have to work for a bit on Thursday, but it will be a nice break! I work a very short day on Mondays (2.5 hours), so I almost will have a whole week off with the exception of the few hours on Monday and Thursday that I will work.

I will post a few random pictures of all of the happenings during the past week...

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On the mend

We are finally feeling better around here. Wow...what a flu-bug! I was feeling under the weather for 7 days...that is a long time for a mom to be out of commission. Thankfully, Lilly was the only other one in the house that had the prolonged symptoms that I did, everyone else mad it through OK. I generally felt OK enough to go to work last week, but I was kind of lazy, and now, I am WAY far behind on my paperwork. Thankfully, the week of Christmas is not too busy, and I am working all week (with the exception of the afternoon of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day). So, I will hopefully get caught up.

Jess had her baby on Sunday, little Adella Grace Fresse was born at 3:43 pm. She is just a teeny little peanut of a thing, although she weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz, so she was a good-sized baby. But, boy, you sure do forget how teeny those little babes are! I really wanted to go down right away on Sunday, but the weather would not allow it, so I went down Monday afternoon. The roads were terrible in St. Cloud, but once I passed through Clearwater, things started to improve. It was so great to hold a teeny baby again! AND, it is so great to have someone else go through all of the misery, the late nights, the fussiness, the 3 am feedings, the poopy diapers, while I get the luxury of spoiling her, then giving her back to her parents. I have always been the one having the babies, so this is a nice change! Adella was very sweet, she was alert when I got there, and was so content when I was holding her. It was great! I can't wait to see her again on Sunday when we celebrate Christmas with my family.

Christmas...Christmas!!! I can't believe it is almost here! I haven't sent out my cards yet, wrapped any presents, or done any baking. Yikes! We also have Lilly's 4th birthday on Sunday, although we will be at my Dad's house celebrating Christmas, so we are pretending Lilly's birthday is on Saturday. She doesn't know the difference, plus this way, she can open her gifts from us at home and not have to share the spotlight on Sunday. We will have a birthday party for her at Dad's house, too, but the party will also be for Alex, since his birthday is on the 30th.

Not too much else going on around here...just trying to stay warm in the midst of this cold snap. I'm also coming to terms with the fact that winter is truly here, and isn't leaving for at least the next 4 months...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gotta love the flu

We have been very sick over the past few days in our house. We, meaning me, and then it trickles down to everyone else. I have been mildly to moderately ill since Friday (I have not yet hit the wall, but just feel yucky, tired, etc). Lilly had the stomach flu complete with vomiting Saturday evening and through the night. So, I decided that since we were the two sick ones, that we should sleep together and contain our illness to my room. Well, I hardly got any sleep because every time she moved, I was afraid she would throw up in my bed. So I would jump up and grab the bucket. 90% of the time, she was just rolling over in her sleep. But there was one time that my quick efforts paid off, and I was able to get the bucket there in time.

Then, all day yesterday, I was cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. I shouldn't have been, because by late afternoon, I was wiped out. So, I go to bed last night, only to have Cameron come and visit me last night telling me his head and tummy hurt. Yep, crawl in. For the 2nd night running, I have had kids in bed with me, which equates to me not getting much sleep. I decide to err on the side of caution and keep Cameron home from school today. I kept having visions of the time I threw up in the hallway at school when I was in 4th grade in front of all of the grades on our floor. I didn't want him to get sick in school, so he stayed home. So far, this morning, he has eaten 2 bowls of Cheerios, played Wii, and is sitting by me singing me a beautiful song. I think he would have done OK at school. Oh, well, nevertheless, I still feel yucky, and I think it is best for me to lay low for one more day. I hope we can nip this flu in the bud, I am almost out of sick time at work!

We put up our tree this weekend, and Ed and I are planning to get some Christmas shopping done tonight, depending on the sickness situation and the weather. Hopefully we can get most of it done. That will really help get all of us into the Christmas spirit.

I am patiently (or impatiently) awaiting for Jess to go into labor. She is due on Friday, and is getting very close to going in. She has been having contractions on and off for a few days now, and so I'm thinking it will be any day. I can't wait to see my new little niece. This is my first niece on my side of the family! I can't wait to have a new baby around, it is so nice to let someone else have a baby, but I will (hopefully) get to spend lots of time with her, spoil her, then send her home :-).

I'm off, I have tons of work to do today. It is great that I can work from home if I need to. Well, sort of great, anyway.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tonight we began "Decking Our Halls" in order to avoid the total chaos on Saturday that goes along with putting up the tree AND decorating the house at the same time. I am hoping that, perhaps, if we can get the decorating done first, get the house ready for the tree, maybe, just maybe, putting up the tree on Saturday won't be such a nightmare! I have a few ceramic pieces that my mom painted, and we have had them for as long as I can remember. I have a ceramic village, and a big Santa and Mrs. Claus. It was really special to put up the village with Alex, since he really appreciated the fact that his Grandma painted it. It is so nice when I can pass on a little tidbit from her to my kids in a way that is special, but doesn't make them cry. Alex, especially, can be very tender-hearted, and at times, when we talk about my mom, he will get sad (no, he never met her...he is just really sensitive). So, it was special and festive, and just the perfect evening to get me in the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately (for me...), our house is really small, so decking the halls really only took about an hour or so. Oh, well, it is less I will have to do after Christmas!

I am feeling such a need to get back to basics and to enjoy the simple joy of the holiday season instead of getting wrapped up in the shopping, gifts, cards, etc. In fact, I haven't even thought about sending out my Christmas cards yet. Maybe I'll get around to it, but maybe not. I just want to sit in my house, drink hot chocolate, and listen to Christmas music. Maybe this is my attitude since I haven't even started Christmas shopping. Maybe once I shop, the frenzied, frantic feeling will begin to set in...oh the joy!

This time of the year is duly joyful, yet stressful for us with celebrating the birthdays of 2 of our 3 children. I'm not sure what we were thinking, although I will say that with both Alex and Lilly, we tried for several months to concieve, and were unsuccessful until the cycle that put them due at the end of December (Alex is on the 30th, Lilly on the 21st). It is very special to contemplate and recall their birth around the time of Christmas, when the whole world is contemplating the birth of Christ...very timely. BUT, it is double the presents, double the work, and trying to squeeze in a birthday party into a very busy time is pretty stressful. I so look forward to January!

Things around here, are, as always, much the same. I am enjoying the laziness of winter, the nights where you get home from work, make supper, and cozy up on the couch. But, I miss the warmth. Better get used to it, though! The kids are good...all three have colds, which is no fun for them, but they refuse to take medicine to unclog their noses (the medicine I use tastes pretty nasty, but it is the best-working decongestant I have ever used). So, I just leave it up to them, their choice to be miserable or take the nasty medicine.

The boys are doing so well in school. Alex is surpassing many of my expectations, and is bringing home the highest grades he has ever brought home. I am so proud of him, he really is trying, and really is starting to care about his performance. Cameron is a 2nd grade rock star...he is such a sharp kid, and I am so proud of all of his hard work, too. He is the kind of kid that we actually find ourselves telling him to stop doing his homework, or stop reading. But he is very driven, and wants to get his work done immediately (Even in the middle of making supper and while I am on the phone--hence the telling him to stop doing his homework).

Lilly is FINALLY beginning to show an interest in learning her letters and numbers. I haven't pushed it too much (who has time??), but whenever I've tried, she becomes bored quickly. My daycare mom says that Lilly always asks during teaching time "can we paint?" "can we color now?" Just no interest. But in the past few weeks, her interest is emerging. Hopefully when she goes to preschool in the fall, she will be good to go with her letter recognition.

What a boring post. Sorry about the snooze-fest. Speaking of which...I am headed off to bed.