Today I went to see my grandma, who is 88 years old. I brought the kids with me, which can be interesting, although today it went very well. I love going to see her. Visiting with her is not like visiting with your grandma, it is like visiting with a friend. We talked all afternoon, about what she has been doing (basically nothing because she has been afflicted with an extremely itchy body rash since June...she is totally miserable and no Dr. can figure out why). We talked about my life, which is so busy that I don't often get to go see her. It is so nice to get her perspective on things in general. She raised 9 kids, lived on a farm, and I can imagine had many struggles. But, she loved her kids, thought they were all so precious. She reminds me to enjoy the years that my kids are small, not to get caught up in the stress and chaos, and to love them.
Things at work have been very stressful, it seems as though things just turn on a dime, which affects my happiness at work. I love my work....I hate my work. I talked to her about it, and she is probably the first person who really has ever just listened (other than Ed--he is a good listener). She didn't advise, she didn't offer suggestions, she just listened and sympathized with me. And sometimes, that is really all I need.
I realize each time I see her, that we are getting closer and closer to the end, she looks a little older each time I see her, and she moves a little more slowly. She is not in immediate poor health, but I know the years are shrinking. I want to make sure we get the most of our friendship, the most of our time together before we can't do that anymore. She is simply the best grandma in the world, and I am so thankful to have her in my life.
Well, that was deep, but I want to remember this day, this visit with her for a long time.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well, I guess the Halloween pictures didn't upload. I'll try again. Things have been pretty busy around here, although that is proving to be the rule rather than the exception. Last weekend, I was at a workshop Friday and Saturday, which was a great learning experience, but very draining. Fortunately, I had Monday and Tuesday off of work because we didn't have any daycare. It was a restful two days, and it was very hard to get back to work! Of course, there is no "easing into it" at my job, it was hit-the-floor-running all day Wed., Thurs., and Fri. I love my job, but I do not like being that makes me feel crazy, exhausted, and I don't give my best to my patients. So, hopefully, next week will be better...I have all of my open time for the week blocked off so it won't get taken (I hope that works!!).
Alex had a Boy Scout meeting on Tuesday night, and he was so excited about that. I, of course, being the graceful person I am, totally embarassed myself by taking a tumble down the den leader's stairs. Why does that stuff always happen to me??? I can't relay the story to anyone without getting the giggles because I am such a klutz! Boy Scouts was fun for Alex, but he was surprised to learn that he actually has to do some work for his badges...what a shocker for that poor boy, who isn't quite a go-getter.
Cameron had his first karate lesson today. I have 2 months of lessons for him at a school in St. Cloud. The first lesson was a private lesson with an instructor, and I thought that would be just perfect for him to get started. Well, the lesson lasted 15 minutes!!!! I can't believe I drove 25 minutes each way for a stupid lesson that lasted 15 minutes! I am glad I only paid $10 for those 2 months because I wasn't very impressed with the school. I told Cam that after these two months, if he wants to continue, we can do it through Community Ed here in CS.
Lilly hasn't been doing much of anything, outside of her regular routine. She loves spending time at daycare, and actually was a bit disappointed on Tuesday that she was staying home with me. It was hard not to feel disappointed, but I realize that she has all of her friends there, and I suppose it isn't so fun to be the only kid home all day when the boys are in school.
I have been baking homemade bread every weekend probably for the past two or three months. I enjoy the process of bread-making, and it is rewarding to see that I can actually make bread that turns out. Well, I have been on the hunt for a good bread recipe, since Ed thinks the bread I have made is OK, but not great. I think I found a recipe that he likes, finally, so I am pretty excited about that.
I also got a Wii Fit this week, Ed surprised me with it! It was a verbal "Gift" for my birthday, which was in June, but everytime we would look for one, we couldn't find it. Well, he finally found one. I am sure sore from working muscles of my body that haven't worked in, oh, probably forever! I hope that my affinity for the TV and Video games will work to my advantage on this one, and I can actually get in shape!
Not too much else is going on around here, we are gearing up for the Holiday season, which includes Alex and Lilly's birthdays on the 21st and 30th of December. Looks like we will be broke at the end of 2008!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A mini va-ca-tion
I am so happy because I am off of work until Wednesday. Our daycare is closed tomorrow and Tuesday, so I took those days off, and will (hopefully) enjoy a much-needed break. I was at a workshop yesterday, which was excellent!
Everything here is OK...the kids are fine, although Alex appeared to have a touch of a stomach bug earlier this weekend. Hope it doesn't spread throughout the house, especially on my days off.
I have been trying to squeeze in time to post some pics, so here are some Halloween pictures.
Everything here is OK...the kids are fine, although Alex appeared to have a touch of a stomach bug earlier this weekend. Hope it doesn't spread throughout the house, especially on my days off.
I have been trying to squeeze in time to post some pics, so here are some Halloween pictures.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Another week on tap
Things are perking up around here, I think we all just needed a little down time this weekend. Although, it really wasn't down time. We decided to get a bigger entertainment center and rearrange all of our furniture. I am kind of a neat freak on Sundays, and I like the house to be spotless and ready for the week on Sunday night. Well, I had to let that go because it just wasn't in the cards. We eventually figured out a way to arrange the furniture, and by the time I could clean, it was time for my Sunday Night TV (the only night of the week I watch any TV these days). So, I guess I'll get it done some other day.
Halloween was great. I will post pictures tomorrow, I am not at my computer tonight to get my pics. Lilly was sooooo cute as Sleeping Beauty, and all of the pictures we took of her were just so "gorgeous", since she made sure to have her most beautiful, princess-ey smile on for the camera. It was such a nice night, and since there was no school the next day, we went into Cold Spring and hit quite a few houses in town. Our kids should have enough candy to last them until they are 16!! The boys were all business on Halloween. I forgot how intense these "holidays" are for kids that age. I wouldn't say they were cute, at least not in the same way Lilly was, but it was cute to see how serious they were, and how cool they thought they were in their costumes.
We are so ready for November...even though the holidays are approaching, this month isn't nearly as busy as far as "extra" activities are concerned. We have our typical busy work schedules, but only one or two other commitments, which is so needed! I am actually keeping my eyes peeled for the weekend of the 15th and 16th of November in an attempt to keep our calendar clean. If my memory serves me correctly, this would be the first entire weekend since mid-September that there isn't something going on. Oh, what a break that could be!! I also took the 10th and 11th off of work because our daycare is closed. I am soooo looking forward to that. I really miss my days off, now that I am working 5 days. It will be a good chance to catch up on my "good mommy" time with the kids.
I will say, though, my extra day of work has taken on a new dimension. I am moving into more marketing for our company, and have blocked the entire afternoon on Mondays to devote to marketing. The beauty of that is that I can do much of that work from home. So, I have been coming home at noon on Mondays, which has been great! I usually spend most of the afternoon on work, but I can fold a load of laundry, eat lunch with Lilly, and give her a nap at home. If I have other commitments those afternoons, I can work anytime, which is so great. As a therapist, our options for a flexible work schedule or a telecommute are slim, so this is a great fit for me.
Well, enough rambling...I can be a bit long-winded at times! I'd better get to bed and enjoy that extra hour of sleep before my body adjusts to the new schedule:-)
Halloween was great. I will post pictures tomorrow, I am not at my computer tonight to get my pics. Lilly was sooooo cute as Sleeping Beauty, and all of the pictures we took of her were just so "gorgeous", since she made sure to have her most beautiful, princess-ey smile on for the camera. It was such a nice night, and since there was no school the next day, we went into Cold Spring and hit quite a few houses in town. Our kids should have enough candy to last them until they are 16!! The boys were all business on Halloween. I forgot how intense these "holidays" are for kids that age. I wouldn't say they were cute, at least not in the same way Lilly was, but it was cute to see how serious they were, and how cool they thought they were in their costumes.
We are so ready for November...even though the holidays are approaching, this month isn't nearly as busy as far as "extra" activities are concerned. We have our typical busy work schedules, but only one or two other commitments, which is so needed! I am actually keeping my eyes peeled for the weekend of the 15th and 16th of November in an attempt to keep our calendar clean. If my memory serves me correctly, this would be the first entire weekend since mid-September that there isn't something going on. Oh, what a break that could be!! I also took the 10th and 11th off of work because our daycare is closed. I am soooo looking forward to that. I really miss my days off, now that I am working 5 days. It will be a good chance to catch up on my "good mommy" time with the kids.
I will say, though, my extra day of work has taken on a new dimension. I am moving into more marketing for our company, and have blocked the entire afternoon on Mondays to devote to marketing. The beauty of that is that I can do much of that work from home. So, I have been coming home at noon on Mondays, which has been great! I usually spend most of the afternoon on work, but I can fold a load of laundry, eat lunch with Lilly, and give her a nap at home. If I have other commitments those afternoons, I can work anytime, which is so great. As a therapist, our options for a flexible work schedule or a telecommute are slim, so this is a great fit for me.
Well, enough rambling...I can be a bit long-winded at times! I'd better get to bed and enjoy that extra hour of sleep before my body adjusts to the new schedule:-)
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