I used to listen to stories of parents who were shuffling their kids all over God’s creation for activities.
I am now telling those stories.
It has been oh-so-long since I updated my poor blog. But I have been BUSY!
June/July: Totally and completely consumed with baseball. Alex played in one league which played Monday/Wednesday, and had three weekend tournaments. Cameron played Sundays with three weekend scrimmages or tournaments. It was SO.MUCH.FUN, and for the first time in my life, all of that hustle and bustle did not seem like drudgery to me. Cameron is on a 10 and under team with a lot of his classmates. It was fun to watch those boys work together and play together. They will probably be together for a few years, so it will be really fun to watch them develop. Alex was on a CS Little League team, one of 8 Cold Spring teams. He had the good fortune of being on a pretty good team, and they made it all the way to the championship game for the league. Sadly, they didn’t win, but the ride sure was fun!
August: A few deep breaths after the running of baseball, but then we had our week of vacation at the cabin. Ed’s uncle and aunt have a great cabin up near Erskine, MN (a 3 1/2 hour drive). They let us stay there for a week, and boy, did we have FUN! It was a great time for us to reconnect as a family, something we didn’t think we needed, but in retrospect, we sure did! We played and ate and relaxed for one whole week! The rest of August was busy with odds and ends. Nothing big, but still busy.
September: The end of an era! We officially gave up our spots at our daycare. Saying goodbye to Tracy, our daycare provider, was so, so hard. She has taken care (and really, really good care, I might add) of our kids for 5 years. It was hard for the kids, for me, and for Tracy. Just one of those milestones that doesn’t seem like a big deal, but was such an eye opener to me of how fast this time is going! And on that note, we now have a SIXTH grader, a FIFTH grader, and a FIRST grader!!! Good Lord! Alex is starting his “Rule the School” year at St. Boniface, and will head to middle school next year. Wow.
So that was my last four months in a nutshell! It is busy and crazy and never, ever boring. The ride is wild, but I hope to stay on it as long as possible!