Today is Cameron's 9th birthday. He was born at 9:46 am on July 26, 2001. He was born 2 days before his due date. My water broke the evening before he was born, and I was induced the next morning. After a quick, but psychotic labor, he was here. I was the first to see that he was a boy, and I remember being incredibly surprised. Everyone thought we were having a girl. We did not find out if he was a boy or girl, but I had girl vibes through the whole pregnancy. I remember looking at him, and thinking that he was so beautiful (as every mom does), but I was struck by his appearance...he looked nothing like I would have expected. It seems as though many people have kids that look kind of similar to one another as infants, but Cameron could not have looked more different than Alex. He had this inquisitive look about him, and he curiously looked around the room just minutes after he was born. I was immediately in love with this boy!
As a baby, he was just the nicest, sweetest baby. Jess and I will still say that about him..."he was just the NICEST baby!!!" He was pleasant and smiley, and very laid-back. He was a happy baby, but his demeanor was very even...so no lows, but no highs, either. At night, I would rock him, and lightly stroke from his forehead down to the tip of his nose. He was a mommy's baby, and I loved it!
As a toddler, he was, again, very laid-back, very curious, and could be a stinker! He barely babbled at all, and I was getting a bit concerned about his speech development when all of a sudden, the boy was talking, and talking, and talking-in a monotone voice. Ed and I say that the first day Cameron spoke he said "Daddy", on the second day he said "Mommy", and on the third day he said "E=MC2".
He has since developed into such a great kid. He has his moments, as they all do, but I think all in all, I am pretty fortunate. He is the middle child, with all that comes with being the middle child. He can be a bit egocentric, as many kids are, but in the next moment, he is playing dolls with Lilly, just to make her happy. He doesn't like when anyone has hurt feelings, or is left out. He has a lot of friends, but isn't incredibly outgoing. He doesn't like to see anyone hurting or suffering, either. He wanted me to pull over to let a fly out of the back of the car because he didn't want to see it suffer :). He can also be argumentative, and I have said for years that if he does not become a lawyer, he will not have made full use of the gifts he was given... He can out-argue me already, and he is only nine, Lord only knows what I am in for!!!
He is tough, but tender. He loves himself and other people. He loves Alex and Lilly so very much, although he does enjoy picking fights with them too (the middle-kid thing). He loves little kids, animals, and anyone who he can care for. He refuses to be affectionate with me in public, but gives the tightest hugs at bedtime. He makes sure that Ed and I know that we are "the best parents in the world". He hates change (yep, that one came from me), and he clings to routine (uh, yeah, me again). He is sentimental, articulate, and quite intelligent. He is curious and easy to talk to. He is a good kid who is a hard worker. He approaches his interests with absolute passion.
I just love that kid!