Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making Peace

I can't believe it has been six weeks since I have posted. It has been such a long month, November was an incredibly stressful month at work, and I have decided that I don't handle stress very well. I feel as though I was in a haze for the past six weeks, and only recently am I coming out of it. Now, I am feeling better, feeling a little more in control, and am looking forward to Christmas and the birthdays of Alex and Lil.

As a conclusion to my misery last post...I had an encounter last night with people who are so much worse off than me. They stopped over to pick something up. I felt so badly for them, because I know that they are in a much worse situation than I could ever imagine, and I realized that they would probably give anything to have what I have. I felt humbled and ashamed that I could ever want any more in my life when I have three healthy kids, a warm and clean (but small) roof over my head, a fulfilling job, and a good husband. I realized that I have everything that those people would want, and I felt so selfish for being so pitiful. So, I am done with that misery because it doesn't do anyone any good.

I am so happy to be getting rid of the stress of the last six weeks or so, and am glad that I am feeling more like myself. I generally am a very even, optimistic person, and when I start to not feel that way, it freaks me out a little bit. So, here's to feeling stress-free (well, maybe not stress-free, but definitely less) and happy, just in time for the Christmas season!

We are getting ready for two big birthdays in this house. First, Lilly will be turning 5 on the 21st. I can't believe that Lilly is turning 5, it is kind of hard to see your baby getting so big! I was just telling Ed last night that I love the age where she is at right now, and I don't want her to grow up any more. She is so inquisitive right now, and I see so much of myself in her. She is currently obsessed with the letter "L" (because that is the first letter of her name), and she gets so happy anytime she sees an "L". She scours magazine covers and books for "L"s. She is also very interested in spelling, she wants to know how all kinds of words are spelled, truly she is my daughter! She is very curious about everything, she wants to know how everything works. She is at this perfect stage right now, and I just don't want it to go away. It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years since we've had her, it seems like she is still a baby! I guess maybe that is always true of the baby of the family.

And then Alex will be the big double-digits on the 30th. He is also at such a good stage right right now. He is doing very well in school, and is really growing up. He is helpful and has been very easy-going. If anyone knows this boy, easy-going was never a word I could have used to describe him, but he sure is right now! While I am sad to see my kids getting so big, I do love the age that Alex is at. I can actually talk to him about things. I suppose this is the calm before the pre-teen storm! He has turned into a bookworm, and his reading goal for the month of December at school is 1200 pages! I don't even know if I could read 1200 pages. I think Alex has probably the perfect teacher for where he is at right now. She is very encouraging, but not overly so. She pushes him to do his best, but does it in a way that he responds to. I am so thankful that he has such a good teacher at such a critical point in his school life. Fourth grade seems to be a sort of turning point, and is laying the foundation for the next few years.

Then, you throw Christmas in there, and our next three weeks are going to be just crazy!

And, not to exclude Cameron--there isn't too much news to report on Cameron. He is really into the Vikings right now. He makes sure we DVR all the games and then he watches them all week long. He has a Vikings shirt that he wears ALL THE TIME, I need to monitor how often he wears it because he would wear it every day. He also likes to play football in the house, which gets on my nerves sometimes, but he is just such a boy that I think it comes with the territory. He is a stellar student, and had all E's on his midterm (E's=A's), except in handwriting. So his teacher's prediction is that he will be a doctor :). He also takes after me because I always had terrible handwriting when I was younger.

I think that will do for now. I hope everyone enjoys the blessings of the Christmas season this year!